Testing software components in a local sandbox

You can test your software components in a local sandbox before you upload them to the system.

Before you begin

You must have a local machine that provides IaaS capabilities. Only Vagrant with VirtualBox on the Windows operating system is supported for this use.
Configure the Plug-in Development Kit to access the Vagrant environment:
  1. Click Window > Preferences > IBM Plug-in Toolkit > Sandbox.
  2. Set the Vagrant home and select a Vagrant image for the base image.
    Note: If you want to use a different base image, see the Vagrant documentation to create an image. You must install the Python environment, IBM® JDK, and maestro startup scripts to the base image.


  1. Right-click a software component project and select IBM Plug-in Toolkit > Test Component in Sandbox. Or, from the Pattern Sandbox view, click Add and select the project.
  2. Select the target component, set the attributes and required binary files, and then click Finish to create a test case. Or, from the Pattern Sandbox view, select test case and click Start.

    The system assembles a test environment for this component, starts the virtual machine, and runs the lifecycle scripts. If it is generated, the trace.out log file appears automatically.