Application components

The following application components are available when you build a virtual application by using Application Pattern Type for Java™: Java application and Additional archive file.

Java application (IBM Java Runtime Version 7)

The Java application component represents an execution service for the Java SE platform. You can use this component to deploy any application that requires a Java runtime environment.

This component has the following attributes:
Specifies the name of the Java application.
Archive file
Specifies the archive file that contains the Java application to be uploaded. Supported archive file types are .zip, .tar.gz, and .tgz. This attribute is required.
Application launch type
Specifies how the Java application is started. This attribute is required. Select from the following options:
Main Class
The Java application is started by invoking the main() method of the main class. If you choose this option, the following attributes also apply:
Main Class
Specifies the class that contains the main() method, used to start the Java application. This attribute is the fully qualified main class name. For example, com.mycom.myapp.Launcher. This attribute is required when you choose the Main Class launch type.
Program Arguments
Specifies one or more arguments to be passed to the main class.
Specifies one or more entries to add to the Java class path. Use a colon (:) to separate class path entries.
Command Line
The Java application is started from the command line. This option is useful if the Java application contains a launch script or a custom launcher. If you specify this attribute, the following attribute also applies:
Command Line
Specifies the command, and options, to run to start the Java application.

The available policy component for this component is JVM policy.

Use the property panel to upload the archive file. The archive file must contain the entire Java application and all the resources that the application requires. You do not need to include a Java runtime environment because IBM® 64-bit SDK Java Technology Edition Version 7, which is included in the Application Pattern Type for Java, already contains one.

You can specify more archive files by using the Additional archive file component.

Additional archive file

You can upload other archive files in addition to your Java application archive file. You can use these archive files to deploy more resources, such as JDBC drivers or .war files, into an application server, or to overwrite parts of the deployed Java application, such as configuration files.

This component has the following required attributes:
Deploy path
Specifies the location that the additional archive file is deployed to.
Type of archive file
Specifies the type of the archive file. The options are as follows:
  • ZIP, TAR.GZ, or TGZ file
  • Java archive file (.jar, .ear, or .war files)
Additional archive file
Specifies the external archive file that contains more files that are needed by the Java application component.
Unzip file
Specifies whether the file is extracted. This attribute is available only if you select ZIP, TAR.GZ, or TGZ file as the type of archive file.

The incoming connectable component is Java application (IBM Java Runtime Version 7).