Deploying classic virtual system patterns

You can deploy classic virtual system patterns to run in a cloud group.

Before you begin

Configure the classic virtual system pattern, including the advanced configuration, and ensure that it is ready to be deployed. For more information about modifying virtual system patterns and configuring advanced options, see the related links.

Script packages that are included in your classic virtual system pattern can contain license agreements that you must accept before you can deploy the pattern. For more information about accepting license agreements, see the related links.

About this task

You can deploy either draft or committed classic virtual system patterns for testing or production. The time that it takes to deploy a virtual system depends on several factors, such as the size of the virtual system pattern parts and the interdependencies of parts in the pattern definition, network usage, storage usage, and the provisioning speed of the virtual machine on the cloud infrastructure.

If you have an email address configured in the system settings, an email is sent to the specified email address when a classic virtual system pattern is successfully deployed. For more information about configuring email delivery, see the Related Tasks.

Note: Connectivity issues with the DNS server can cause increased deployment times or failed deployments. The network administrator for the target network must check the routing tables of the DNS server to ensure that it can resolve the network address of the system.


  1. Click Patterns > Virtual System Patterns (Classic).
  2. Select a classic virtual system pattern.
  3. Click the Deploy icon in the toolbar.
    If your classic virtual system pattern contains script packages that have license agreements that have not yet been accepted, the Deploy icon is not available. Ensure that all license agreements in script packages are accepted before attempting to deploy a pattern.
  4. Provide the necessary information to deploy the classic virtual system pattern.
    The parameters that are required differ depending on the defined configuration and any associated script packages.
    Virtual system instance name
    Enter the name of the classic virtual system instance in which to deploy this classic virtual system pattern.
    Choose Environment
    You deploy a classic virtual system pattern by selecting an environment profile and then specifying cloud group or groups for deployment. Make your selections from the following options:
    IP version
    Click one of the IP version options (IPv4 or IPv6).
    Choose profile
    Select this option to deploy the classic virtual system pattern by using an environment profile. Then select the environment Type and a valid environment Profile from the lists. You can also set a Priority (High, Medium, or Low).
    Important: If the Pattern deployer option was chosen, you cannot specify an IP address that is contained within the IP groups that are defined in the system.
    Note: Classic virtual system patterns cannot be deployed to multi-cloud environment profiles or cloud groups.

    For more information about administering environment profiles, see the related links.

    Schedule deployment
    Click this link to provide information about when the classic virtual system pattern is to be deployed and for how long. You can deploy the classic virtual system pattern immediately after providing the information in the dialog or you can schedule deployment by using the following options:
    Start now
    Deploys the classic virtual system pattern immediately after providing the required information in the dialog. Start now is the default option.
    Start later
    Provide the date and time to deploy this classic virtual system pattern at a later time.
    Run indefinitely
    Runs this classic virtual system pattern continuously. Run indefinitely is the default option.
    Run until
    Specify a date and time in the future when the classic virtual system pattern is automatically stopped and deleted. If this option is used, a notification is sent to the pattern deployer by email 24 hours before the scheduled deletion.
    Select an organization from the ones that are defined for deployment of this virtual pattern.
    Configure virtual parts
    For each virtual image part that requires information, click the link and provide the information for each configuration parameter shown. The set of parameters depends on the type of part. The parts that require information are different depending on the type of virtual image to be deployed and the type of hypervisors in the cloud. For example, parts for a WebSphere® Application Server image would require different information than parts for a DB2® image.
    Note: Do not use the root user as the WebSphere administrative user name.

    When specifying values for DB2 parameters, be aware that owner and user group names, as well as instance owner names, fenced user names, and DB2 administration server (DAS) user names can only have up to 8 characters.

    If the information for each of the virtual image parts is complete, a green check mark is shown next to the virtual image part. If some information is missing, the check box does not contain a green check mark. If so, you must provide the required information.

    If you are using an environment profile there might be additional fields to configure for the parts. If the environment profile specifies that the classic virtual system pattern deployer is to provide the IP address, the IP addresses must also be provided for the parts.

    Specify the following part information:
    In cloud group
    Select the cloud group. If an alias was provided to define the cloud group in the environment profile, then the alias name is available to be selected in this field.
    Restriction: If you deploy the virtual images to differing cloud groups, then you cannot use the system monitoring service to monitor all of the virtual machines. System monitoring is supported only for deployments to single cloud groups.
    IP Group
    Select an IP group. If an alias was provided to define the IP group in the environment profile, then the alias name is available to be selected in this field.
    Provide both the host name and the IP address. The host name and IP address must not exist in the selected IP group.

    If you are deploying parts with add-ons, you can configure fields for those add-ons if they were not configured when the part was created and locked to editing during deployment.

    If there is a Default attach block disk add-on in the pattern, select an existing volume for the Volume_ID field, or click Create to create a volume and attach it to the component during deployment. If you choose to create a new volume, configure these settings:
    Set the name for the volume.
    Optional. Set a description for the volume.
    Size (GB)
    Set the size for the volume, in GB.
    Volume Groups
    Select a volume group for the volume. A volume group is a logical grouping of volumes that can span workloads and cloud groups.
  5. Deploy the classic virtual system pattern.
    When all of the information is provided correctly in the dialog, click OK to deploy the classic virtual system pattern.


The classic virtual system pattern is deployed to the cloud and runs in the selected classic virtual system instance.

On a topology deployment, some parts can reserve CPU, or memory, or both. These fields affect how the CPU and memory are configured on the underlying hypervisor.

The CPU and memory limits are set and reserved.

This setting prevents the CPU from being overcommitted but reduces license usage.

What to do next

To add nodes to the classic virtual system pattern, stop the virtual system in which the cloud is running.