Release notes and additional product information
Links are provided to last-minute updates and known limitations for the product, additional product information, and the product support website.
Last-minute updates and known limitations
For a list of the release notes for each version of the product, see Release notes.
Product downloads and fixes
To search for the latest downloads, fixes, and other support information, see IBM® Fix Central.
Support for IBM Cloud Pak System Software for Power
In IBM Cloud Pak System Version 2.3.5, support is available only for the new installation of IBM Cloud Pak System Software for Power® Version 2.3.5 and not for upgrade from any of the earlier versions to Version 2.3.5.
Support for IBM Cloud Pak System Software Bring Your Own Power Hardware (BYOH)
Support is available for IBM Cloud Pak System Software Bring Your Own Power Hardware (BYOH).
Support for Cloud Paks menu
The IBM Cloud Pak System software User Interface will no longer include the relevant menus of Cloud Pak accelerator deployments and the System management user interface.
IBM Knowledge Center help link in the Instance Console user interface page
Starting from, the System management user interface does not include the Knowledge Center help link in the Instance Console page.