Move Secondary to Instance operation

This operation moves the secondary IBM Storage Scale Server to the current IBM Storage Scale configuration instance. If there is only one node in the current IBM Storage Scale configuration instance, that node is moved to the tiebreaker node. If there is no tiebreaker node, the secondary node remains unassigned.

Before you begin

Important: If IBM Storage Scale pattern type V1.2.16.0 or later is installed on your system, the Move Secondary to Instance operation is not available for use on the Manage > Instance Console > Operations > GPFS-Manager.GPFS_Manager > Failover active-active page of the Cloud Pak System Software console.
If you use IBM Storage Scale V5.x, complete these steps on the node on which this operation must be done:
  1. Shut down GPFS daemons on all gpfs nodes by running this command.
    su - gpfsprod -c 'sudo /usr/lpp/mmfs/bin/mmshutdown -a’
  2. Disable CCR by running this command.
    su - gpfsprod -c 'sudo /usr/lpp/mmfs/bin/mmchcluster --ccr-disable'
  3. Start the Cluster by running this command.
    su - gpfsprod -c 'sudo /usr/lpp/mmfs/bin/mmstartup -a'

About this task

You should run this operation only when no other operations are being run on other cluster instances. For example, if you are running the operation on the primary instance, do not run other operations on the mirror or tiebreaker instances at the same time. Otherwise, the cluster might be placed in an inconsistent state and might not function properly.


  1. Expand the Failover Active-Active section of the GPFS_Manager operations.
  2. Expand the Move Secondary to Instance node.
  3. Click Submit.
  4. Click Confirm when asked to validate your request.


The primary and secondary servers are moved or reassigned.

What to do next

If you use IBM Storage Scale 5.X, after you complete this operation successfully, enable CCR by running the following command on the node on which the operation is already done:
su - gpfsprod -c 'sudo /usr/lpp/mmfs/bin/mmchcluster --ccr-enable'