Creating add-ons

Use the console to create an add-on and add it to the catalog.

Before you begin

You must have the Create new catalog content permission or the Workload resources administration with full permissions to complete this task. A basic set of add-ons is provided with the product and is available in the catalog. Before creating a new add-on, verify if any default add-ons or other previously created add-ons in the catalog already meet your needs. You might also be able to clone an existing add-on and modify it for your needs before creating a new one.

About this task

Multisystem environment considerations
  • If you are creating add-ons in a multisystem environment, the operation takes place only on the local system.
  • For information about the fields on the Add-Ons page, see Fields on the Add-Ons page.


  1. Click Catalog > Add-Ons. The Add-Ons page displays the list of add-ons that are currently available. The list is displayed in a table format, providing some basic details about each add-on.
  2. Click Create New.
  3. Browse to the archive file for the add-on.
  4. Click Import.
    • If there are no existing add-ons on the system with the same name and version as the add-on that you are importing, the add-on is added.
    • If an add-on with the same name and version exists on the system, and one or both of the add-ons are not locked (read-only), you are prompted with options:
      1. Specify a unique name for the imported add-on.
        Note: This option is available only when the add-on that you are importing is not read-only.
      2. Specify a unique version for the imported add-on.
        Note: This option is available only when the add-on that you are importing is not read-only.
        Restriction: Multiple versions of the same add-on are not supported for use with classic virtual system patterns.
      3. Replace the existing add-on.
        Note: This option is available only when the existing add-on is not read-only.

      After you make a selection, click Import again to complete the import process.

    • If an add-on with the same name and version exists on the system, and both of the add-ons are read-only, the import fails.

    If the import is successful, the add-on details are displayed.

What to do next

For more information about add-on details, see the Related reference.

You (or other users or groups with appropriate access) can associate the add-on with one or more virtual system patterns.