Service and Support Manager requirements for host names, IP addresses, and ports

Ensure that you meet the following requirements before you enable Service and Support Manager. IBM® Cloud Pak System Software for Power® needs access to the following hosts and IP addresses. In addition, the ports that are listed need be opened.

Destination host names, IP addresses, and port numbers

Ensure that the following host names, IP addresses, and port numbers are accessible and open on the system.
Attention: IP addresses for are changing. This change applies to all versions and platforms of Cloud Pak System Software. Ensure that the following DNS names, IP addresses, and ports are open on your firewall as soon as possible. If these connections are NOT currently allowed, then you must create new firewall rules that allow them to flow. Add firewall rules for ALL new IP addresses. Even the IP addresses are not enabled until after 2023. Do NOT change or remove existing firewall rules. However, you can continue to use the existing (or old) IP addresses until the target date to change or replace them. For more information, see Table 1.
Table 1. Destination host names, IP addresses, and port number requirements for Cloud Pak System Software
Host name Old IP addresses New IP addresses Target date Port numbers April 14, 2023
443 TBD. Sometime after Dec 31, 2023 TBD. Sometime after Dec 31, 2023

Reference document:

Source IP addresses for Platform System Managers

On the system, there are two Platform System Managers. Both Platform System Managers share a floating IP address, and each Platform System Manager has a primary IP address (fixed) and a secondary IP address (fixed). These source IP addresses are used to connect to IBM for Call Home events.

If your firewall or proxy configuration uses the Cloud Pak System Software IP address (the source IP) to determine whether to grant access to the request to send a service ticket, then you must configure the destination IP addresses (listed in the previous table) for both Platform System Managers.

You must allow the source IP addresses to connect to the destination IP addresses listed in the previous table. To see your source IP addresses, go to System > Network Configuration. In the System Management IP section, review the values for the following fields:
  • IPv4 address (Floating IP address)
  • Primary IPv4 address
  • Secondary IPv4 address