Testing the backup location connection

Before performing a backup or restore operation, you might need to verify that the network connection to the remote backup system is connecting successfully.

About this task

When you create or modify a backup location configuration, you test the network connection to verify that you can connect successfully to the remote system where the backup data is stored. The status of this connection, however, is not monitored, so at a later time the connection to the backup location might fail. If you then attempt to perform a backup or restore operation, the operation might fail due to a bad connection.

You should return to the Set backup location window and test the connection before you attempt a backup or restore operation. Complete the following procedure to test the connection to your remote backup location.


  1. From the console, click System > Backup and Restore.
  2. Click Change to open the Set backup location window.
  3. Locate the backup location configuration in the table.
  4. For the selected backup location in the table, click the Test connection icon in the Actions column to perform a check of the connection settings for the backup location.
    After a short wait, a success or fail icon is displayed next to the Test connection icon, indicating whether or not the connection was successful.
  5. If the connection failed, you can move the cursor over the failure icon to display a short message suggesting the possible cause of the problem. Examine the settings in the backup location configuration to verify that they are current and correct. Modify the settings as needed and test the connection again until you have a successful connection.
  6. Click Close to return to the main Backup and Restore page.