Downloading license usage data

License usage data helps you track the maximum usage for each product that is dispensed by the system.

Before you begin

You must be assigned the Cloud group administrator role or the Hardware administration with Manage hardware resources (Full permission) role to work with licensing.

About this task

You can use the console, the command line interface, or the REST API to complete this task. For the command line and REST API information, see the Related information section.


  1. Click System > Product Licenses.
  2. In the License Reporting section, expand Download license usage.
  3. Click Download all data to download the highwatermarklicense.csv file.
    The highwatermarklicense.csv file contains all the data that is available on the system. 13 months of data are maintained on the system. The highwatermarklicense.csv file is a comma-separated value formatted file that can be downloaded to the file system. You can import the CSV formatted data into vendor software for formatting and viewing. If you are looking for only a subset of the maximum license usage data or only data for a specific product, then you can use the filtered data.
  4. Adjust the date range and product settings.
    The date range and product settings are used to generate the filtered data. These settings are only applicable to the filtered data and are not applicable when you download all data. The default value for the product setting is to include all products present in the catalog
  5. Click Download filtered data to download the data for the date range and products that were specified.
    Downloading this version of the highwatermarklicense.csv file returns only the data for the date range and products that you specified.