Adding uncataloged products to the license catalog

Add uncataloged products to the license catalog to make non-IBM product license information available in the system.

Before you begin

You must be assigned the Cloud group administrator role or Hardware administration role with permission to Manage hardware resources (Full permission) to work with licensing.


  1. Click Reports > Product Licenses.
  2. In the Non-catalog products section, click the Add icon.
  3. Click the Add a license button and enter the following information:
    Product name
    Specify the name of the product that you want to add to the license catalog.
    non-IBM ID
    Specify the non-IBM ID of the product that you want to add to the catalog. Typically, this value is the identification number that is used by the software vendor to designate this offering in their product catalog.
    License type
    Specify the type of license that applies to the product. Select Server, ComputeNode, or PerCore.
  4. To remove a license, select the license row in the table that you want to remove and click Delete. Licenses cannot be removed if they are currently in use.