Setting up the plug-in development environment

Set up the environment to develop custom plug-ins that are used in Cloud Pak System Software for Power®.

Before you begin

The following products are required before you set up the environment:
  • Eclipse version 3.6.2 or higher, either 32-bit or 64-bit. The Java™ Platform, Enterprise Edition (Java EE) version is recommended.
    • If you use Eclipse, you can use the Ant that comes with it. Do not install Ant separately. Ant is in the Eclipse installation directory at eclipse/plugins/org.apache.ant_1.*.
  • Java Standard Edition (SE) version 6 or later. The most recent version is recommended.
  • Apache Ant, 1.7 or later.
  • Python 2.6 or 2.7.
  • PyDev is optional, but is suggested if you plan to use the Plug-in Development Kit for Python development.

About this task

The following tasks show you how to build the plugin.depends project and the sample plug-ins and pattern types. The plugin.depends project is required when you build projects, so be sure that you build this project even if you choose not to build the sample plug-ins and pattern types.