Creating an IBM® Workload Script Package Project
You can use the Plug-in Development Kit to create script packages.
- If you are using the Plug-in Development Kit Eclipse
plug-in, open the Workload Plug-in Development perspective
by clicking Window > Open Perspective > Other > Workload Plug-in Development.
Then, click OK.
The Plug-in Development Kit welcome page opens.
- Import an existing script package or create a new script
- To import an existing script package, click File > Import > IBM Workload Script Package.
- Browse to a local script package file or select a script package from the remote server.
- Click Next.
- Specify a name for the project to use for the imported script package. If the project does not exist, it is created during the import process.
- Click Finish.
- Double-click the cbscript.json file to open the Script Package Configuration page.
- To create a script package, click the Create an IBM Workload Script Package Project link
on the welcome page. You can also create a script package project
by clicking File > New > Project > IBM Workload Script Package Project.
- Enter the information for the project:
- Project name
- Set the name for your project. A script package project can contain one or more script packages.
- Location
- Set the location where the files for your project are stored.
- Script name
- Set the name for the script package.Note: One script package is created when you initially create the script package project. To add more script packages to the project later, right-click the project node and select New > Script Package.
- Included
- By default, cbscript.json is created for the script package. If you want to configure more attributes for the script package by using extendedattributes.json, select the check box to create this file.
- Click Finish.
The Script Package Configuration page opens.
- Enter the information for the project:
- To import an existing script package, click File > Import > IBM Workload Script Package.
- Configure the script package. The parameters that you configure
on the Script Package Configuration page
are stored in cbscript.json. You can view the
contents of cbscript.json by clicking the cbscript.json tab.
- Name
- A required plain text string that identifies the script package. The
text string can have a maximum of 1024 characters.Example of what is written to cbscript.json:
"name": "Install and configure the ITM OS agent",
Important: Do not include a trailing space in the parameter or parameter value or errors might occur when you import the script package. - Version
- An optional plain text string that provides version information.
If specified, the value of this parameter represents the version of
the script package. If you do not specify a value, the default value
is used.Example of what is written to cbscript.json:"version": "1.0.0",
- Description
- An optional plain text string that describes the script package
function. This text string is displayed in the Description field
of the Script Packages page when the compressed script package is
uploaded. The text string can have a maximum of 1024 characters. Example of what is written to cbscript.json:
"description": "This script package creates a JDBC Provider and Data Source for a highly available DB2 Enterprise database cluster",
- Location
- The location where the script package files are stored and unpacked
when the compressed script package is uploaded. The value of this
parameter is displayed in the Working directory field
of the Script Packages page when the compressed script package is
uploaded. The string value can have a maximum of 4098 characters.
The default value is
. On supported Windows operating systems, the default isC:\temp
.Example of what is written to cbscript.json:"location": "/tmp",
- Command
- A command string that runs the main script in the script package.
The value of this parameter is displayed in the Executable field
of the Script Packages page when the compressed script package is
uploaded. The string value can have a maximum of 4098 characters,
and can include environment variables.Example of what is written to cbscript.json:
"command": "/bin/sh /tmp/createDB2DataSource/",
- Command Arguments
- An optional list of arguments and their values that are passed
to the script at run time. This list of arguments is displayed in
the Arguments field of the Script Packages
page when the compressed script package is uploaded. The string can
have a maximum of 4098 characters, and can include environment variables.
If the argument can contain the space character, the argument must
be wrapped with double quotation marks by using the backslash as an
escape character (
). If this parameter is specified, when the script package is downloaded this string replaces the string in the cbscript.json file.Example of what is written to cbscript.json:"commandargs": "-user \"$(WAS_USERNAME)\" -password $(WAS_PASSWORD) -lang jython -f /tmp/myLabApp/appInstall.jy",
- Executes
- Specifies when the script package is run on the system. The default
behavior is for the script package to run after all the virtual machines
are successfully started and all the nodes are federated, where applicable.
The default behavior occurs when the virtual system instance is
created. The following values are valid for this parameter:
- at virtual system instance creation
- Specifies that the script is run when the virtual system is finished
starting during the initial creation.
This option is written to cbscript.json as
"execmode": "0",
. - at virtual system instance deletion
- Specifies that the script is run when the virtual system is deleted. Important: Scripts that run when a virtual system instance is deleted are run only if the virtual system instance is running when it is deleted.
This option is written to cbscript.json as
"execmode": "1",
. - when I initiate it
- Specifies that the script is started manually by using the start
icon that is displayed next to the script name for a virtual machine.
Click the icon to run the script. A script can be run an unlimited
number of times by using this method.
This option is written to cbscript.json as
"execmode": "2",
. - at virtual system creation and when I initiate it
- Specifies that the script is run when the virtual system is finished
starting during the initial creation, and is also available to be
started manually by using the start icon that is displayed next to
the script name for a virtual machine. Click the icon to run the script.
A script can be run an unlimited number of times by using this method.
This option is written to cbscript.json as
"execmode": "3",
- Keys
- The list of environment variables that are added to other system
environment variables and made available to the script at run time.
These environment variables and their values are displayed in the Environment field
of the Script Packages page when the compressed script package is
uploaded.The list of environment variables and their values are defined in the following format in cbscript.json:
"keys": [ { "scriptkey": "<ENV_NAME>", "scriptvalue": "", "scriptdefaultvalue": "<default_env_value>" }, { "scriptkey": "<ENV_NAME>", "scriptvalue": "", "scriptdefaultvalue": "<default_env_value>", "locked": "<ENV_LOCK>" }, { "scriptkey": "<ENV_NAME>", "scriptvalue": "", "scriptdefaultvalue": "<default_env_value>", "type": "<ENV_TYPE>", "locked": "<ENV_LOCK>" } ]
Each environment variable is defined with the following attributes:- Type
- An optional string that indicates the type of environment value.
The following values are valid:
(the value is obscured in the user interface or in log files)string
(This value is the default value)
Example of what is written to cbscript.json:"type": "password",
- Script Key
- The name of the environment variable. This attribute is required.Example of what is written to cbscript.json:
"scriptkey": "DATABASE_HOST",
If the text string value of this attribute includes password, the key is treated the same as if the password type attribute is specified. Example of what is written to cbscript.json:"scriptkey": "DATABASE_PASSWORD",
- Default Value
- An initial default value for the environment variable. If needed,
you can modify this value later. This attribute is required, but the
value can be blank. If
is specified, the value that is specified for this default must be one of the valid values that are specified in thevalidvalues
list.Example of what is written to cbscript.json:"scriptdefaultvalue": "",
- Locked
- An optional control that indicates whether the environment variable
can be modified at deployment time. Valid values are
. The default value isfalse
.Example of what is written to cbscript.json:"locked": "true",
This locking feature sets the locked state of the parameter (to locked) when it is added to the Pattern Editor canvas, and is only in effect at the time of deployment. This setting does not affect your ability to do any of the following tasks:- Remove the parameter from the script package in the catalog.
- Change the value of the parameter within the script package in the catalog.
- Reset the parameter to an unlocked state when a user edits the package properties in the Pattern Editor.
- Required
- An optional control that indicates whether the environment variable
is a required or optional variable. Valid values are
. The default value istrue
.Example of what is written to cbscript.json:"required": "false",
- Valid Values
- If the value of the environment variable is to be selected from
a predefined list of values, include this parameter in the environment
variable configuration, and specify the valid values in a list. The
value that is specified by
must be one of these valid values.Example of what is written to cbscript.json:"validvalues": ["a", "b", "c"],
If you specify this attribute, the list of valid values cannot be empty. For example, the following statement is not valid:"validvalues": [],
Example of what is written to cbscript.json:"keys": [ { "scriptkey": "DATABASE_NAME", "scriptvalue": "", "scriptdefaultvalue": "" }, { "scriptkey": "DATABASE_PORT", "scriptvalue": "", "scriptdefaultvalue": "50000", "type": "integer", "required": "true","validvalues": ["50000", "50001", "50002"], "locked": "false" }, { "scriptkey": "SSL_ENABLED_ON_PORT", "scriptvalue": "", "scriptdefaultvalue": "true", "type": "boolean" } [
- Log
- An optional location on the virtual machine for log files that
are written resulting from the script package execution. The value
of this parameter is displayed in the Logging directory field
of the Script Packages page when the compressed script package is
uploaded. The string value can have a maximum of 4098 characters.Example of what is written to cbscript.json:
"log": "/tmp/SCAS_scriptpkg_logs",
- OS Type
- The type of operating system for which this script is supported.
This parameter is useful when you must indicate that the script is
valid only for a specific operating system. The following values are
valid for this parameter:
- linux/unix
- The script is valid only on supported Linux® and UNIX operating systems. This value is the default value if this parameter is not specified.
- windows
- The script is valid only on supported Windows operating systems.
- both
- The script is valid on all supported Windows and Linux/UNIX operating systems.
For example, if you create a virtual system pattern with a Windows operating system image, any scripts that are included in that pattern must be able to run on that operating system. In this case you specify the supported operating system as:"ostype": "windows",
- Timeout
- The maximum amount of time, expressed in milliseconds, in which
the script is expected to complete its execution. The value of this
parameter is displayed in the Timeout field
of the Script Packages page when the compressed script package is
uploaded. The default value is
(1000 minutes). A value of 0 specifies to wait indefinitely for the script to complete. If the timeout value is exceeded,Status.TIMEOUT_FAILED
is returned, a message is logged to trace.log, and execution is stopped.Example of what is written to cbscript.json (timeout value of 2 minutes, specified as 120,000 milliseconds):"timeout": "120000",
- Type
- An optional indication of the type of script package. The only
valid value (and the default if not specified) is Application. Example of what is written to cbscript.json:
"type": "APPLICATION",
- If you chose to create an extendedattributes.json file,
change to the Extended Attributes tab to configure
more attributes. The parameters that you configure on the Extended
Attributes page are stored in extendedattributes.json.
You can view the contents of extendedattributes.json by
clicking the extendedattributes.json tab.
- Save environment variables
- Specifies whether changes made to script package parameter values are persisted after deployment, and reapplied to subsequent runs of the script package. For more information, see the Related reference section.
- Product ID
- The product ID associated with the license, as represented in
the license catalog. Example of what is written to extendedattributes.json:
"productid": "5725L53"
- License type
- Defines the type of license. The following values are valid:
- This type of license charges users according to the number of virtual servers used.
- This type of license charges users according to the processor value units used.
- PerCore
- This type of license charges users according to the number of processor cores that are used.
- This type of license charges users according to the number of compute nodes that are used.
Example of what is written to extendedattributes.json:"licensetype": "PVU"
- License CPU
- When the type of license is SERVER, this required attribute specifies
the processor count limit for this server license. Example of what
is written to extendedattributes.json:
"licensecpu": "4"
- License memory
- When the type of license is SERVER, this required attribute specifies
the memory limit in GB for this server license. Example of what is
written to extendedattributes.json:
"licensememory": "4"
- Read only
- Check this box to set the script package as read-only when it is imported to the system. The script package is locked to prevent further editing.
- Console Links
- Define the name and URL for console links. Console links display
on the virtual system instance page
in the Virtual machines > Consoles section. You can use these links to provide an easy
way for a user to access a console that is used to administer the
virtual machine, such as VNC or the Integrated Solutions
Console for WebSphere® Application
For more information about defining console links, see "Configuring script packages by using the extendedattributes.json object" in the Related reference section.
What to do next
Import your script package to Cloud Pak System Software for Power® so that you can use it when you build virtual system patterns.