Password policy

You can configure the password policy for workload virtual machines.


  1. In IBM® Cloud Pak System Software dashboard, go to Cloud > Environment Profiles. If you are on, navigate to Cloud > Architecture > Environment Profiles.
  2. Use the following drop-down lists to configure values:
    • Minimum number of characters for passwords in pattern instance deployment
    • Minimum number of alphabetic characters for passwords in pattern instance deployment
    • Minimum number of non-alphabetic characters in pattern instance deployment
  3. Do the following steps to test the configured policy:
    1. Go to Patterns > Virtual System Patterns. If you are on, navigate to Patterns > Provision > Virtual System Patterns.
    2. From the Actions column of a virtual system patterns record, deploy the pattern in the cloud.
    3. Enter password values that confirm to the policy.
    4. Click Prepare to Deploy or Quick Deploy.
      Note: If the password value confirms to the policy, then the deployment is successful. If you enter a value that does not confirm to the policy, then an error message is displayed and you cannot proceed with pattern deployment. For example, if you enter lesser number of characters than what is specified in the Environment Profiles page, the following error message is displayed:
      CMPRE0016E: The given password violates password policy for pattern deployments. 
      Password must contain at least a minimum number of characters as set in the environment profiles page.