Copying a managed system group

You can create a copy of a managed system group as needed.

About this task

Use the following steps to create a copy of a managed system list:


  1. Click Object group editor Object group editor.
  2. Click expand to expand a managed system folder.
  3. Select the managed system group you want to copy.
  4. Click Create another group.
  5. Type a descriptive name for the managed system group and click OK.
    The new managed system group is displayed in the managed system folder.
  6. Remove a managed system from the Assigned list by selecting it and clicking right arrow. Add a managed system to the list by selecting it in the Available Managed Systems list and clicking left arrow.
    You can select multiple managed systems by holding down Ctrl while clicking each managed system. You can also, after selecting a managed system, use Shift+click to select all managed systems between this and the first selection.
  7. Save your changes and either keep the editor open with Apply or exit with OK.
    The managed system group is now available to users whose Cloud Pak System Software Monitoring Portal Server connects to the same hub monitoring server.