REGEX: Scan for a string based on Regular Expression pattern
Use the REGEX formula function in a query-based view filter or a table view threshold for the text or timestamp that matches a pattern. The pattern is based on a regular expression.
- Scan for a string based on Regular Expression pattern
- The REGEX function looks for a pattern match to the expression. The operators available are specific to the regular expression syntax. Search for "regex" or "regular expression" in your browser to find links to more information (such as this topic in the developerWorks® technical library).
- Text example
- This formula for the Windows event log table view threshold highlights
a cell if the event type is at least three letters long but no longer
than nine. Thus, the event types Error and Warning are
highlighted but not Information.
REGEX(Type) == '[A-Za-z]{3,9}'
- Time example
- This formula begins looking at the seventh character, the year,
to find 10, so a timestamp of 06/12/10 09:29:05
would meet the criteria, but 01/20/09 11:07:05 would not.
REGEX(Timestamp) == 7,10
- Operators
- The regular expression capability in the Filters and Thresholds
tabs of the Properties editor enables you to perform very specific
searches through many rows of data based on a pattern. This table
has a list of commonly used operators in regular expressions.
Operator Description . period Match any single character ^ caret Match the empty string that occurs at the beginning of a line or string $ dollar sign Match the empty string that occurs at the end of a line A Match an uppercase letter A a Match a lowercase letter a \d Match any single digit \D Match any single nondigit character \w Match any single alphanumeric character; a synonym is [:alnum:] [A-E] Match uppercase A, B, C, D, or E [^A-E] Match any characters except uppercase A, B, C, D, or E X? Match none or one capital letter X
X* Match any number of capital Xes X+ Match one or more capital Xes X{n} Match exactly n capital Xes X{n,m} Match at least n and no more than m capital Xes; if you omit m, the expression tries to match at least n Xes (abc|def)+ Match a sequence of at least one abc and def; abc and def would match