Cell functions

Use the cell formula functions to add filters to queries and query-based views, and to set thresholds for situations and query-based views. The functions that are available depend on the type of attribute (numeric, text, or time) and in which editor you are working: Query, Situation, or Properties (Filters and Thresholds tabs).

Numeric attributes

Text attributes

Time attributes

VALUE function Value of expression VALUE function Value of expression STR function Return a subset of the string
BETWEEN function See if value is within a range STR function Return a subset of the string SCAN functionScan for string within a string
CHANGE function Change in value SCAN function Scan for string within a string Compare date/time Compare date/time
PCTCHANGE function Percent change in value MISSING function Check for Missing Items TIME function Compare to time +/- delta
ISNULL function See if Null (no value) has been detected ISNULL function See if Null (no value) has been detected TIMESPANSee if a time is within a range
  REGEX function Scan for a string based on Regular Expression pattern REGEX function Scan for a string based on Regular Expression pattern