Boolean AND and OR
The tabular editors work with Boolean AND and OR logic.
Multiple expressions
Enter multiple expressions in the same row if they must all be met (Boolean AND logic) and on separate rows if any of them can be met (Boolean OR logic) to set the situation to true. For example, if you want a situation to fire when either disk time OR disk space is at least 90% on myserver, the condition would look like the one shown here.
% Disk Time | % Used | Server Name |
1 |
>= 90 |
== myserver |
2 |
90 |
== myserver |
Branching OR expressions
If you are building a situation or setting a filter or threshold where you want an OR expression to branch at a specific AND expression, repeat the AND expression in a new row with the OR expression.
In the situation example below, the
comparisons are true if the notepad process exceeds 50 seconds AND
the virtual bytes exceed one million OR the notepad process on myserver
exceeds 50 seconds AND the page faults exceed 100,000 per second.
Process Name | Elapsed Time | Virtual Bytes | Page Faults/sec |
1 |
== notepad |
> 500000 |
> 1000000 |
2 |
== notepad |
> 500000 |
> 100000 |
Repeating attributes in AND expressions
Some situation formulas require you to repeat the same attribute in an AND expression for a certain outcome.
If you are constructing a situation
that requires repeating an attribute, each instance of the attribute
must appear in its own column. To repeat an attribute in a new column
of the Situation editor:
- Click Add Conditions and select it from the Select condition window.
- This situation is true when
the notepad process occurs more than
four times in the same data sampling. The user wrote the first expression
to check for notepad, then clicked Add Conditions and selected
Process Name again to create a new column and add another expression
to count these processes.
Process Name
Process Name
== notepad
> 4
- This situation is true
when the day of the week is 02 to 06 (Monday
to Friday).
Day of Week
Day of Week
>= 2
<= 6