Example script package to create a server

This script creates an application server on all of the custom nodes in a virtual system pattern or on the node part for which it is included.

The script package is intended to be used on either a deployment manager or stand-alone server part in a virtual system pattern. You specify the name of the application server.

Script variables

The following parameter is include in this script package.
Specifies the name of the server to be created on each node. If multiple nodes exist in the virtual system pattern, the server name is augmented with a counter that begins at 1. This parameter is required.

cbscript.json example

      "name": "Server creation",
      "version": "1.0.0",
      "description": "This script package creates a server on each node within the cell",
      "command": "${WAS_PROFILE_ROOT}/bin/wsadmin.sh",
      "log": "${WAS_PROFILE_ROOT}/logs/wsadmin.traceout",
      "location": "/opt/tmp/createserver",
      "timeout": "0",
      "commandargs": "-lang jython -f /opt/tmp/createserver/create_server.jy $SERVER_NAME",
      "type": "APPLICATION",
         "scriptkey": "SERVER_NAME",
     	  "scriptvalue": ""

Example script

Note: This example script is designed for version 7.0.0.x virtual system patterns only.
serverName = sys.argv[0]

managedNodeStr = AdminTask.listManagedNodes()

if len(managedNodeStr) != 0:
	managedNodes = managedNodeStr.split("\n")
	for managedNode in managedNodes:
		thisServer = serverName + "_" + str(i)
		AdminServerManagement.createApplicationServer(managedNode, thisServer, 'default')

	node = AdminControl.getNode()
	AdminServerManagement.createApplicationServer(node, serverName, 'default')
