Closing a situation event

When the condition of a situation is met, the situation becomes true and an event indicator is displayed over the system name and all related items in the Navigator. For pure events, you can turn off the indicator by closing the event. The situation continues to run but the indicator disappears until another pure event takes place.

Before you begin

In closing an event, you also have the opportunity to add notes and attachments to explain what action you took to resolve it. This can be helpful should a similar event occur in the future. If the event was not previously assigned to an owner, the user who closes it is assigned as the owner.

To use this function, your user ID must have Close permission for Events.

About this task

Pure events are indicated in the Type column of the message log view and situation event console view. As well as closing pure events, you can also close events of sampled attributes if the situation has been stopped or deleted. Close an event from any of the following locations:


  • Situation flyover list:
    From the event flyover list, complete the following steps to close either a pure event or one whose situation has been stopped or deleted:
    1. In the Navigator, move the mouse pointer over the event indicator to open a flyover listing of the true situations.
    2. In the flyover list, right-click the situation whose pure event you want to close or the situation that has been stopped or deleted and whose event you want to close.
    3. Click Close Event Close situation eventClose Situation Event or Close Event Close Situation Event with Notes.
  • Event Navigator item:
    From the Navigator item for an event, complete the following steps to close a pure event:
    1. In the Navigator, move the mouse pointer over the event indicator to open a flyover listing of the true situations.
    2. In the flyover list, click a situation name to open its event results workspace.
      The Navigator focus moves to the event location and shows the situation name, and its event results workspace opens.
    3. In the Navigator, right-click the Situationevent item and click Close Event Close situation eventClose Situation Event or Close Event -> Close Situation Event with Notes.
  • Situation event console view:
    From the situation event console view, complete the following steps to close either a pure event, or one whose situation has been Stop situation stopped or deleted:
    1. In the workspace where the situation event console view displays, right-click the pure event (or the situation that has been stopped or deleted) you want to close.
      Pure events are indicated by expand Expand in the first cell and Pure in the Type cell of the event row.
    2. Click one of the following options:
      • Close Event Close situation eventClose Situation Event
      • Close Event > Close Situation Event with Notes


The indicator disappears until another pure event arrives.

What to do next

Here are some notes about what you can and cannot do after an event has been closed:
  • If you close an event, you cannot acknowledge it.
  • You can open the notes and any attachments for a closed event through the menu of the view.
  • If you know you need to take an action that will trigger an event, such as stopping an application, but you do not want notification, you can take preemptive measures to stop an event from opening: You can stop the situation then restart it when you want it to begin running again; or, if you can schedule the time when you don't want the situation to run, you can add a time expression to the situation.