Change a location storage connection type

You can reconfigure which locations in the deployment subdomain are defined with a storage connection type of mirror or client.

About this task

Use this procedure to reconfigure which locations in a deployment subdomain are defined with a storage connection of mirror and which locations in a deployment subdomain are defined with a storage connection of client.
Note: There can only be two locations in the subdomain with a storage connection of mirror. Once there are two locations defined with a storage connection type of mirror, there will always be two locations defined with a storage connection type of mirror. Converting a location with a storage connection type of mirror to a storage connection type of client is made by converting a location defined with a storage connection type of client to a storage connection type of mirror. In essence, migrating the mirror storage connection configuration from one location to another.
To begin, make the following determination:
  • If the deployment subdomain does not have two locations configured with a storage connection type of mirror, go to step 1.
  • If the deployment subdomain has two locations configured with a storage connection type of mirror and at least one location configured with a storage connection type of client, go to step 2.


  1. When the deployment subdomain does not have two locations configured with a storage connection type of mirror:
    1. Click System > Management Domain Configuration.
      The Management Domain Configuration page is displayed. The management domain should already be defined for the system. The current configuration details are displayed, showing locations that have been added to the management domain and at least one previously created deployment subdomain.
    2. Determine if the existing location has a storage connection type of client or mirror and then begin the operation by performing one of these procedures.
      Convert an existing location with a client storage connection type
      1. Click the existing client location with a client storage connection type to display detailed information about that client location.
      2. Click the Edit icon to display the Select Storage Connection dialog.
      3. Click Mirror to indicate that this location will be converted to a location with a mirror storage connection type.
      4. Click Check beside the Mirror Eligibility Check option to verify there is enough disk space available for the mirror disk. A green circle with a check mark indicates success.
      5. Click OK to send the request to convert the location's storage connection type to mirror. You can also click Cancel to cancel the storage connection request.
      6. If this location is the second location to have a storage connection type of mirror, continue with step 5 in Adding locations to deployment subdomains to complete the deployment subdomain configuration.
      Converting an existing location with a mirror storage connection type
      1. Click the existing location with a mirror storage connection type to display detailed information about that location.
      2. Click the Edit icon to display the Select Storage Connection dialog.
      3. Click Client to indicate that this location will be converted to a location with a client storage connection type.
      4. Click OK to send the request to convert the location's storage connection type to client. You can also click Cancel to cancel the storage connection request.
  2. When the deployment subdomain has two locations configured with a storage connection type of mirror and at least one location configured with a storage connection type of client:
    1. Click System > Management Domain Configuration.
      The Management Domain Configuration page is displayed. The management domain should already be defined for the system. The current configuration details are displayed, showing locations that have been added to the management domain and at least one previously created deployment subdomain.
    2. Determine if the existing location has a storage connection type of client or mirror and then begin the operation by performing one of these procedures.
      Converting an existing location with a client storage connection type
      1. Click the existing location with a client storage connection type to display detailed information about that location.
      2. Click the Edit icon to display the Select Storage Connection dialog.
      3. Click Mirror to indicate that this location will be converted to a location with a mirror storage connection type.
      4. Select which mirror location to replace.
      5. Click Check beside the Mirror Eligibility Check option to verify there is enough disk space available to move the mirror disk. A green circle with a check mark indicates success.
      6. Continue with step 2c to complete the migrate mirror operation.
      Converting an existing location with a mirror storage connection type
      1. Click the existing location with a mirror storage connection type to display detailed information about that location.
      2. Click the Edit icon to display the Select Storage Connection dialog.
      3. Click Client to indicate that this location will be converted from a mirror location to a client location.
      4. Select which current client location will become the new mirror location.
      5. Click Check beside the Mirror Eligibility Check option to verify there is enough disk space available to move the mirror disk. A green circle with a check mark indicates success.
      6. Continue with step 2c to complete the migrate mirror operation.
    3. Click Change to display the Deployment Subdomain Configuration dialog.
      You can also click Cancel to cancel the storage connection request.
    4. Click Test Connection to verify that the iSCSI tiebreaker can be configured for the new mirror location.
      A green circle with a check mark indicates success and a message similar to the following example is displayed:
      Tiebreaker iSCSI can be connected successfully with the two mirror locations.
    5. Click Change to display the Management Domain Configuration page.
      In the shaded area containing the mirror locations, a progress bar shows the status of the migrate mirror operation. When the operation is complete, a green circle with a check mark indicates success. The new mirror location is displayed in the shaded area and the former mirror location is displayed to the right of that shaded area.
      During the migrate mirror operation, you can take any of the following actions:
      • Click a client location with the Busy icon to display detailed information about which operation that location is processing.
      • Click the progress bar to view the full description of that operation, as well as a description of the current step the operation is performing.