Updating an external IBM Storage Scale Tiebreaker node

If your external IBM Storage Scale tiebreaker installation becomes corrupted, you can reload the pattern code. By updating your external IBM Storage Scale tiebreaker, the configuration remains attached to the IBM Storage Scale cluster, so you do not need to remove it from the IBM Storage Scale cluster and add it again.


  1. On the primary node of your IBM Storage Scale cluster, create a copy of the gpfsTieNode.tar.gz TAR file by running the Get External Tiebreaker TAR file operation. Download the file onto your local system.
  2. Repeat the procedures to upload the new TAR file to the external IBM Storage Scale tiebreaker node system, and extract the files as described in Installing an external IBM Storage Scale Tiebreaker node.
  3. Run the installExternalNode.sh script using the -u or the --update option.
    For example,
    sudo ./installExternalNode.sh --update