Adding a database to the Data Source list

The Data Source area of the Create Query window lists the databases available for a query. The databases that are shown are read from the database server on the system where the Tivoli Enterprise Portal Server was installed. If you do not see the database for which you want to write a query in the list, you must add it through Manage Tivoli Monitoring Services.

About this task

You can also use the tacmd configurePortalServer to complete this task. See the Cloud Pak System Software Monitoring Server Command Reference for more information.
Restriction: The ODBC interface is not supported on Linux and UNIX. Because of this limitation, the CONNECTION_TYPE=DB2 is used.

To add a database to the Data Source list on Windows:


  1. On the computer where the Cloud Pak System Software Monitoring Portal Server is installed, click Start > Programs > Cloud Pak System Software Monitoring Server > manage TMS Manage Tivoli Monitoring Services.
  2. Right-click the Cloud Pak System Software Monitoring Portal Server name and click Advanced > Edit ENV File.
  3. Find the section entitled KFW_ODBC_*.
  4. Delete the # remark symbol at the beginning of the DSUSER1 entry.
  5. Edit the DSUSER1 entry for your data set name, user name and password:
    • DSN is the ODBC data source name as it is displayed in the database server.
    • UID is the user ID for accessing the database.
    • PWD, if used, is the password for the user ID.
    Each property is a key=value pair and is separated by a semi-colon (;).
    Other key=value pairs can be added such as: CONNECTION_TYPE, CONNECTION_LIMIT, KFWJDBCDRIVER, and KFWDSURL.
    The information provided for the entry creates your datasource connection string.
  6. Continue to add new lines for other data sources, from DSUSER2 up to DSUSER9.
  7. Close the text editor and answer Yes to the prompt to recycle the portal server.
    Note: The database you want to reference must be in the ODBC Data Source registry on the Tivoli Enterprise Portal Server. If it is not, consult your Windows system administrator.
  8. Recycle the portal server.