Creating another historical collection

After historical collection definitions have been created, use the History Collection Configuration window to create duplicates that you can customize for different collection intervals, warehousing intervals, and distribution.

Before you begin

Your user ID must have Configure History permission to open the History Collection Configuration window. If you do not have this permission, you will not see the menu item or tool for historical configuration.

About this task

Take these steps to copy a historical data collection:


  1. Click History Configuration to open the History Collection Configuration window.
  2. Click the managed application, then the collection that you want to copy.
  3. Click Create another collection.
  4. Enter a new name for the collection and, optionally, a description.
    The Monitored Application and Attribute Group fields are disabled.
  5. Click OK to open the configuration tabs for the collection, make any changes to the intervals, and assign the managed systems to distribute the collection to.

What to do next

Other than the Collection Location, which uses what was specified for the original collection definition, configure the data collection just as you would a new collection. You can change the collection and warehouse intervals, and you must specify the distribution.