Monitored baselines chart examples
These are examples of charts with monitored baselines applied.
- Plot chart with baselines applied from two situations
- This chart shows Disk Writes Per Second over the past 12 hours. The red baseline is from a situation with a threshold of 150 disk writes per second; the blue baseline is from a situation with a threshold of 60 disk writes per second. If these situations were started for this managed system, the "red" situation would have been true twice in the past 12 hours and the "blue" situation would have been true 5 times.
- Plot chart with a baseline from one situation and its expression override
- This charts shows the Interrupts Per Second. The monitored baseline is from a situation with a threshold of 1000 interrupts per second or higher. The situation has an expression override of 1200 interrupts per second that is scheduled to run from 07:30 to 16:30 daily.