Data availability
The availability of some data and statistics depends on prior conditions. If these conditions are not met, no information is available in the workspace. In particular:
- For archive accounting statistics to be available in the following
workspaces, configure the brokers to collect it and set the destination
of the statistics output (-o) to xml.
You can configure the broker to collect archive accounting statistics
by issuing the WMB Change Flow Stats/QI
Change Flow Stats command. For detailed information about
this Take Action command, see WMB Change Flow Stats/QI Change Flow Stats command:
- WebSphere® Message Broker Version 7.0 or later:
- WebSphere Message Broker Version 6 (all releases):
- For snapshot accounting statistics to be available in the following
workspaces, configure the brokers to collect it and set the destination
of the statistics output (-o) to xml.
You can configure the broker to collect snapshot accounting statistics
by issuing the WMB Change Flow Stats/QI
Change Flow Stats command. For detailed information about
this Take Action command, see WMB Change Flow Stats/QI Change Flow Stats command:
- WebSphere Message Broker Version 7.0 or later:
- WebSphere Message Broker Version 6 (all releases):
- For user statistics to be available, issue the WMB Create User Statistics/QI Create User Statistics command for the Tivoli® Enterprise Portal user ID. For detailed information about this Take Action command, see WMB Create User Statistics/QI Create User Statistics command.
- For message flow and subflow statistics and events to be available
in the following workspaces, CandleMonitor nodes
must be included in the message flow::
- WebSphere Message Broker Version 7.0 or later:
- WebSphere Message Broker Version 6 (all releases):
- (WebSphere Message Broker Version 6 all releases only) For publish-subscribe statistics to be available in the following workspaces, issue the QI Change Properties command. For detailed information about this Take Action command, see QI Change Properties command:
- For accounting origin information to be available in accounting workspaces, participating message flows must be configured to provide the appropriate origin identifier. If you do not specify a value, the Accounting Origin column in the Accounting workspaces contains the anonymous value.