Adding historical baselines to a chart

Use the values from the current plot chart to identify daily trends in threshold conditions. You can then better anticipate problems by comparing current values with expected future values or with past values, and overlaying the chart with situation comparison criteria, one plotted line for each day specified.

Before you begin

The Add Historical Baseline toolAdd Historical Baseline tool does not appear in the plot chart toolbar if any of these conditions exists:
  • Historical data collection has not been configured for the queried attribute group and started on the managed system (or managed systems) assigned to the Navigator item.
  • A time span was specified. Click Specify Time Span for Query Specify Time Span for Query and select the Real time button Real time to remove the time span.
  • Any of the chart values are the result of a calculation.
  • Attribute(s) across multiple rows button Attribute(s) across multiple rows is selected. To see if it is, click Edit Properties buttonEdit Properties in the view's toolbar, Style tabStyle tab, then the plot area of the thumbnail graphic.
For historical data beyond the past 24 hours, you must have a data warehouse configured and the warehouse proxy agent that transfers data to it.


  1. Click Add Historical BaselineAdd Historical Baseline in a plot chart.
    The tool does not display if historical data collection has not be configured for the attribute group (indicated by the presence of the Time Span Time Span view tool).
  2. To plot data samples taken yesterday, the same day last week, or a particular day or past days, select the check box for that time range.
    Show yesterday's dataShow yesterday's data
    Draws a plot line of data samples from the previous 24 hours. For example, if it is May 30 at 8:45 a.m., the samplings will be from May 29, starting at 8:45 a.m.. The legend indicates the line color for each plotted attribute value from Yesterday. As new samples are added, the oldest are removed from the chart.
    Show last week's dataShow last week's data
    Draws a plot line of data samples from the same day last week. The legend shows the line color for each plotted attribute value from Last Week. For example, if this is Wednesday, the samples will be from last Wednesday.
    Show this day's dataShow this day's data
    Draws a plot line of data samples that have been taken on the day shown. If you would like to see a different day, click the date button to open a calendar. Select a month and day prior to today. For example, you had selected the check box to show yesterday's data, you could select the day before yesterday in the calendar to show the past two days.
    Show data for last weekday or calendar day Show data for last __
    Draws a plot line for each of the last number of weekdays or calendar days you specified. For example, if today is Saturday and you select the last 7 calendar days, today and all days through last Sunday are plotted. The last 7 weekdays would be Monday through Friday of this past week plus the Thursday and Friday of the week before.
    Time Column
    The time stamp type displayed will be shown along the X-axis. If the attribute group has other time stamp attributes, you can select one from the list. Not all time stamps will be displayed along the axis because of space limitations.
  3. Click Apply to render the chart with a baseline for each chosen time range.
    The time ranges chosen are listed in the legend along with the color of the plot line, one line for each day.
  4. Click OK to close the dialog box, and perform any of these actions:
    • Move the mouse pointer over a baseline to highlight it; move the mouse pointer over a plot point to see the value, name, and time stamp.
    • Click and drag a smaller time range to zoom in, then press Esc to zoom out, once for each time you zoomed.
    • Right-click a data value that falls outside normal statistical baseline and click Model SituationModel Situation to open the Model Situation chart and populate the attributes table with the values from the data point. After performing additional analysis with the modeling tool, you can create a new situation with the calculated values and edit them as needed.


The chart plots Disk Writes Per Second over a 12-hour period. We want to compare today's data, Purple plot line and points Monday, May 22, with the same period from the last two weekdays, Aqua plot line and pointsThursday, May 18, and Gold plot line and pointsFriday, May 19. In the Add Historical Baseline dialog box, select Show this day's data and Show data for last 2 weekdays. After you click OK, the two additional days are plotted. You can move the mouse pointer over a plot point to see the value and the date and time the sample was taken.
Historical baseline chart with three days of data for the same time period.

What to do next

After you have adjusted the baseline calculations and the time span to best illustrate the metric you are watching, you can save the workspace, and then open it whenever you want to observe the same baselines with current and recent data samples.