Situation State Event attributes

The Situation Event attributes collect status information on situation events. Views that display this information include My Acknowledged Events, Selected Event, and Similar Events and comprise some of the predefined workspaces for the Enterprise Navigator item.

Affinities The affinity identifier.

Close Indicator The close indicator for conveying how the event was closed, such as closed by a user or by a process and whether the event record contains notes.

Close Time Not in use. The time at the hub monitoring server when the event was closed.

Display Item For multiple-row attribute groups, enables the situation to continue sampling rows with a different display item than the one that caused the situation to become true.

Expiration Interval The length of time assigned to keep an acknowledgment open before it expires automatically. Valid values are four digits.

Expiration Time The time that the acknowledgment is scheduled to expire. Valid values follow the MM/DD/YY HH:MM:SS format, as in 12/30/08 23:59:59.

Full Name The name given to the situation.

Group ID The identifier for the group that the situation belongs to.

HUBCMS The hub monitoring server that the portal server connects to.

Impact The name of the Navigator item where the event originated.

Last Update Time The time of the last event activity, either the last user action or a significant system-generated action.

Local Timestamp The time the event occurred or the condition was observed by the originating managed system. The format is MM/DD/YY HH:MM:SS, as in 10/14/08 13:45:35 for October 14, 2008 at 1:45:35 p.m.

LocFlag Not in use. The location flag.

Misc Not in use. Miscellaneous event data.

MOBJ The Navigator item the situation is associated with (where the event indicator originates).

Node The name of the monitoring server where the situation is running.

Opened The time at the managed system when the situation status changed.

Owner The user ID of the person who owns this event.

Pathname Not in use. The path to any attachments and saved notes.

Reference ID An identifying attribute to further qualify the event, such as a situation override.

Severity The severity value of the situation event. Valid values:

Severity level Enumerated value
Fatal 100
Critical 90
Minor 40
Warning 30
Harmless 27
Informational 25
Unknown 15

Situation Name The name given to the situation or policy.

Source The system host name or other name derived from the monitoring agent that identifies the source of the event.

Status The event status, such as Closed or Acknowledged. Valid values:

Event status Enumerated value
Open Y
Closed N
Stopped P
Started S
Deleted D
Acknowledged A
Reopened E
Expired F
Problem X

TEC Severity The severity value of the event from the Tivoli Enterprise Console.

Transfer Owner The ID of the user who is to receive ownership of the event.

Type Sampled (the situation samples at intervals), pure (unsolicited notification; the situation has no sampling interval), or hub (situation that runs at the hub monitoring server): 0, 1, 2.

UID The event record identifier, consisting of the current record count. After the counter reaches 9999, it starts at 0001 again.

UUID A unique identifier assigned to the event.