Situation Definition attributes

The Situation Definition attributes supply you with the complete definition of situations. You can apply the predefined query for this group (in the Query editor under Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Server → Situation Definition) to charts and tables; you cannot use these attributes in situations.

Advice The expert advice for a situation that appears in the event workspace.

Affinities The internal identification number for the agent and attribute group referenced in the situation.

Alert List Whether or not events for this situation belong to an alert list.

Auto SOPT The auto SOPT.

Auto Start Whether the situation is set to autostart, *YES, or to be started manually, *NO.

Command The type of command specified in the Action tab.

Description The description written for the situation.

Destination Node The managed system to which the situation is distributed.

Event Attribute A single digit to describe the type of event.

HUB The name of the hub monitoring server that controls the situation.

Interval Days A two-digit number to express the interval between data samplings.

Interval Seconds A six-digit number that expresses the time between data samplings.

Last CCSID Internal identifiers of the situation expressions.

Last Date The date of the last revision to the situation. The format is CYYMMDDHHMMSSmmm (as in 1050415074501000 for April 15, 2005 at 07:45:01) where:

  • C = Century (0 for 20th, 1 for 21st)
  • Y = Year
  • M = Month
  • D = Day
  • H = Hour
  • M = Minute
  • S = Second
  • m = millisecond

Last Release The last release to associate with the situation.

Last user The user ID of the last person to update the situation.

Location Flag The location flag identifier.

NOCOL Whether this is a no column attribute.

Notify Arguments Any notification arguments.

Notify Options Any notification options.

Object Lock The object lock.

Predicate The formula, including the detailed names of the attribute group and attributes. .

QIBCLASSID The query information base class ID.

QIBSCOPE The scope of the query information base.

Reflex OK Whether an action command has been set.

Send Message Q The universal message that will be sent when the situation is true.

Sit Info Any other information about the situation.

Situation Name The unique identifier given to the situation or policy.

Full Name The name given to the situation or policy. The name can be up to 256 bytes long.

Source The situation source.