Managed Systems attributes
The Managed Systems attributes are used to check vital heartbeat information from the Cloud Pak System Software Monitoring Server and monitoring agents. You can apply the Managed System query to a view (in the Query editor under Cloud Pak System Software Monitoring Server > Managed System).
For the Navigator Physical view Enterprise item and for custom Navigator view items that have the *HUB_ or *ALL_CMS managed system group assigned, you can also create situations with these monitoring server attributes.
Affinities The code identifier of the product component.
Expiry Time The time when the hub Cloud Pak System Software Monitoring Server stops waiting for the heartbeat and considers the agent offline. This attribute is available for queries, but not for situations. The format is CYYMMDDHHMMSSmmm (as in 1090415074501000 for April 15, 2009 at 07:45:01) where:
- C = Century (0 for 20th, 1 for 21st)
- Y = Year
- M = Month
- D = Day
- H = Hour
- M = Minute
- S = Second
- m = millisecond
Host Address The IP address and port number of the monitoring agent. Other address types can be IP pipe and SNA.
Host Info The name and version of the operation platform and any applied Service Packs. This attribute is available for queries, but not for situations.
Managing System Also called through node, this is the parent system that collects data from the agent or subagent. If the agent is directly connected to the hub Cloud Pak System Software Monitoring Server, the hub monitoring server is the managing system; if the agent is connected to a remote monitoring server, then that is the managing system. An agent with subagents is the managing system for each subagent.
Name The host name of the agent.
Origin Node The network name of the source for this information. Valid entries are up to 32 characters. This attribute is available for queries, but not for situations.
Product The two-letter code of the monitoring agent.
Reason The two-character reason code, if any, for the status. For example, FA means that the agent generated its own offline message, and 00 means that the heartbeat is successful. Reasons are related to the communications layer.
Status Indicates whether the monitoring agent is ONLINE (Y) or OFFLINE (N). If the agent is offline, you can remove it from the Navigator and from a table view of managed system attributes: Right-click the table row and select Clear offline entry from the menu; or select the offline Agent Navigator item from the Navigator and click Remove.
Timestamp The date and time at the Cloud Pak System Software Monitoring Server when the agent heartbeat occurred. The format is MM/DD/YY HH:MM:SS.
Type Indicates whether the node is a monitoring agent (Virtual) or Cloud Pak System Software Monitoring Server (blank).
Version The version number of the monitoring agent. The number is formatted as 01.50.00, where 01 is the major version number, 05 is the secondary version number, and 00 the tertiary.