Local Time attributes
The Local Time attributes show the time and date where the agent is located. For example, if you are running the Cloud Pak System Software Monitoring Portal in London and monitoring a system in Cairo, the local Cairo time and date will be returned. These attributes are useful for action situations triggered by time.
- The Local Time attribute group can be combined with any attribute group to create a situation condition.
- The Local Time attributes are not available for use in Tivoli® Enterprise Monitoring Server queries.
- Seconds, Minutes, Hours, and Day Of Month are treated as two-character text attributes. For example, 02 Hours is correct, but 2 Hours will never be true.
Day Of Month The day in the month that theCloud Pak System Software Monitoring Server samples the data at the agent location, from 00 to 31. For example, 01 is the first of the month.
Day Of Week The day in the week that theCloud Pak System Software Monitoring Server samples the data at the agent location, from Sunday to Saturday. Select the day from the list.
Hours The hour in the day that theCloud Pak System Software Monitoring Server samples the data at the agent location, from 00 to 23, starting at 00 for 12 a.m.
Minutes The minutes into the hour that the Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Serversamples the data at the agent location, from 00 to 59, such as 05 for five minutes past the hour.
Month Of Year The month in the year that the Cloud Pak System Software Monitoring Server samples the data at the agent location. Select the month from the list.
Seconds The second in the minute that the Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Serversamples the data at the agent location. It can be from 00 to 59, such as 08 for the eighth second.
Time The time of the data sampling, corrected for local time zone and daylight saving time, formatted as HHMMSS. For example, 170700 is 5:07 p.m.
Timestamp The date and time when theCloud Pak System Software Monitoring Server samples the data at the agent location. The format is MM/DD/YY HH:MM:SS.