Deploy Status attributes

The Deploy Status attributes give information on the status of the agent deployment; each row displays a completed command.

Bundle group The collection of agents, another bundle group, or collection of bundle groups that are being added to the computer.

Command The command being used for the agent deployment process, such as updateAgent.

Command Description
addSystem The command to deploy a monitoring agent to a computer in the Cloud Pak System Software Monitoring Server environment. This command deploys an agent and other required components if they are not already installed on the node.
createNode The command to create the node directory on the target computer. This is the directory where the OS agent is installed and where any non-OS agents are deployed.
setConfig The command to edit configuration options of an existing agent. The agent is restarted so that the new configuration parameters can take effect. Specify the configuration data through the parameter pair
startAgent The command to start the monitoring agent.
stopAgent The command to stop the monitoring agent.
updateAgent The command used to install an agent update on a specified managed system. Updating agents involves stopping any that are running, applying the changes, and restarting them. If a version is not specified, the agent is updated to the latest version.

Count Counts to keep track of number of requests from the group.

Deploy group The collection of host names of different computers or other deploy groups that the agents are deployed to. The deploy group will have a deploy name.

Deploy group name The name of the group containing the collection of host names of different computers or other deploy groups that the agents are deployed to.

Deploy TEMS The through node or the remoteCloud Pak System Software Monitoring Server that the agent is being deployed from.

GlobalTimeStamp The most recent update at the hubCloud Pak System Software Monitoring Server to the deployment status for the transaction time. The GlobalTimeStamp attribute indicates the last time any information was updated for the deploy command, which is used for EIB probe completion.

Group Transaction ID The identifying number that is assigned to a group transaction. This value allows you to see the transactions involved in the same command. It is the amef value.

lstdate timestamp The last time the record for the deploy command (row in the table) was changed. The lstdate timestamp attribute displays the last time any information update made. The files have been installed and the agent is configured; the row in the table is inserted once the command is complete.

NodeId The agent name and platform (separated by a colon). The nodeId and the target managed system name are similar.

Platform Version The operating platform of the target computer for the agent installation. For example, WinNt.

Processing State The state of the deploy command, from pre-deployment to post-installation. The state is indicated with an integer.

Product ID The product code of the agent.

Product Version The version of the agent.

Reserved1 Reserved for future use.

Reserved2 Reserved for future use.

RetryCount The number of times the agent is retried. 0 is displayed if it is fine and no retries occur.

Return code The code that is generated upon completion of the task: 0 for success; 3 for failure.

Return Message The information message or error message regarding the agent deployment. For example, fail is displayed when agent has been deployed and couldn't connect.

StartTime The time of the most recent attempt to initiate the deployment transaction. With every attempt, this value is reset. No value is displayed if no attempt occurs again.

Status The status of the agent deployment. Valid values are Success, Failed, In progress, and Failed retry (default setting for number of attempts to try again is 5 times with 90 second intervals between each attempt).

System The host address of the deploy target computer. It is the fully qualified host name or IP address of the target computer.

Target managed system name The managed system name of the OS agent that is processing the deployment transaction.

Transaction ID The identifying number assigned to the transaction; this identifier is unique to each transaction. It is generated through a random string of numbers.