Catalog Check attributes

The Catalog Check attributes compare the application catalogs of the hub Cloud Pak System Software Monitoring Server with remote monitoring servers and report any discrepancies. These are the predefined queries for Catalog Check attributes: Compare Enterprise Catalogs and Compare Cloud Pak System Software Monitoring Server Catalogs.

Application Name The identifier of an application catalog that is installed at the Tivoli® Enterprise Monitoring Server. Some of the catalog IDs are identified in the Cloud Pak System Software Monitoring Server Messages Guide.

Hub Column Count The total number of table columns for this application at the Hub Cloud Pak System Software Monitoring Server. The catalog contains all the agent table definition, with multiple tables of multiple columns.

Hub Timestamp The timestamp of the application catalog at the Hub Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Server. The format is MM/DD/YY HH:MM:SS.

Server Column Count The total number of table columns for this application. If the total is different from the hub column count, it might signify that the version installed is different from the version of application support installed on the hub monitoring server.

Server Name The name of the Cloud Pak System Software Monitoring Server.

Server Timestamp The timestamp of the application catalog at the Cloud Pak System Software Monitoring Server. The format is MM/DD/YY HH:MM:SS.

Status The result of the comparison between an application catalog at the Hub Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Server and the corresponding application catalog at a Remote Cloud Pak System Software Monitoring Server.

Enumeration Description
0 OK indicates that the timestamps and column counts of the hub and remote monitoring servers match.
1 Hub Newer indicates that the hub monitoring server was updated more recently than a remote monitoring server.
2 RTEMS Newer indicates that a remote monitoring server was updated more recently than the hub monitoring server.
3 Missing At Hub indicates that the catalog ID that is present on a remote monitoring server is missing at the hub monitoring server.
4 Missing At RTEMS indicates that the catalog ID that is present at the hub monitoring server is missing at a remote monitoring server.
5 Count Mismatch indicates that the column count at the remote monitoring server does not match the column count at the hub monitoring server.
6 Timestamp Mismatch indicates that the time the remote monitoring server was last updated does not match the time the hub was last updated.

Timestamp The time at the Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Server location when the data was sampled. The format is MM/DD/YY HH:MM:SS.