Table (KUD_DB2_Table) attributes

The Table attribute group provides information to monitor table-specific attributes, such as row read and row write rates.

DB Name The database name. Data collection performance can be improved with the use of a situation or query filter using this attribute. When specifying a filter with a distinct database name or list of database names, the agent data collector filters the return data prior to data transmission to the Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Server and Tivoli Enterprise Portal Server.

DB Partition The DB2® database partition node number, which can range from 0 to 999. The Aggregated and Current Partition values can be used within a query or situation filter. When specifying a filter with a distinct database partition value or list of values, the monitoring agent returns data for the requested partitions. If you do not specify a db partition filter value or if you specify a db partition filter value that is not valid, the return data is for the current partition. If a db partition filter is set to Aggregated, only aggregated partition data is returned. Historical data collection includes both aggregated and individual partition attribute data. The following values are valid:
External value Internal value
Aggregated -1
Current® Partition -2
All -3

Instance Name The name of the monitored DB2 instance. The valid format is a text string with a maximum of 60 bytes.

Node Name For new installations of version 6, release 2, the format is instanceid:hostname:UD for all operating systems. The format for version 6, release 1 of the DB2 agent on Windows systems is instanceid:hostname:UD; on UNIX and Linux® systems, the format is instanceid:hostname.

Reorg Needed Indicates whether the table, its indexes, or both need to be reorganized, and is calculated using DB2 monitoring data that is generated when the DB2 RUNSTATS utility is run.
Important: The RUNSTATS utility collects statistics on tables and indexes, and can affect system performance as it is collecting the statistics. For this reason, RUNSTATS is not automatically run.
The following values are valid:
External value Internal value Description
None NN Reorganization is not needed.
Table Data YN Reorganization of the table data is needed.
Table Index NY Reorganization of the table indexes is needed.
Table Data and Table Index YY Reorganization of the table data and indexes is needed.

Rows Read Rate for Interval The rate (per second) at which rows were read from the table during the monitoring interval.

Rows Write Rate for Interval The rate (per second) at which rows were changed (inserted, deleted, or updated) in the table during the monitoring interval.

Snapshot Timestamp The date and time when the database system monitor information was collected. Use this attribute to help relate data chronologically if you are saving the results in a file or database for ongoing analysis.

Table Name The name of the table for which the information is collected. The value format is a text string with a maximum of 60 bytes. Data collection performance can be improved with the use of a situation or query filter using this attribute. When specifying a filter with a distinct table name or list of table names, the agent data collector filters the return data prior to data transmission to the Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Server and Tivoli Enterprise Portal Server.

Table Schema The schema of the table for which the information is collected. The value format is a text string with a maximum of 60 bytes.