Remote installation

If you want to install the Cloud Pak System Software Agent on a computer that is not part of the Cloud Pak System Software, and you want to deploy the agent from a central location, you can choose remote installation.

IBM® Tivoli® Monitoring provides the ability to deploy monitoring agents from a central location, which is called remote installation. The central location is the monitoring server. You can also use the remote agent deployment function to configure the deployed agents and install maintenance packages on your agents.

Table 1 describes the steps that are required for remote agent installation.

Table 1. Remote agent installation tasks
Goal Where to find the information
Create and populate the agent depot with installable agent images. Populating your agent depot
Deploy the Cloud Pak System Software Agent Deploying a non-OS agent

If you want to deploy the agent by using the GUI, see Deploying the external Cloud Pak System Software Agent remotely using GUI for the steps you need to do.

If you choose to deploy the agent by using the tacmd addSystem command, see tacmd addSystem for a description of the parameters that you can use with the command.

Note: Run the tacmd login command before running commands from the tacmd library. This requirement does not apply to the addBundles command. Run the tacmd logoff command after you finish using the tacmd commands. For the full syntax of the tacmd commands, including parameter descriptions, see the IBM Tivoli Monitoring: Command Reference, which is available at the ITCAM for Applications Knowledge Center.

tacmd addSystem

The following command is an example of using the tacmd addSystem command to install Cloud Pak System Software Agent remotely.

tacmd addSystem -t Q8 -n hostname:product_code -p INSTANCE=instance_name
  • hostname is the host name of the computer on which you want to install the agent.
  • product_code is the product code of the OS agent on the computer to which you want to deploy the Cloud Pak System Software Agent. If that computer runs on a Linux operating system, the product code is LZ, if that computer runs on Windows, the product code is NT, if that computer runs on AIX, the product code is UX.
  • instance_name is the name of the agent instance. Ensure that the name has no more than 25 characters.
  • IPAS_server_IP is the IP address of IBM Cloud Pak System Software server.
  • IPAS_server_user_name is the user name for accessing IBM Cloud Pak System Software server. Ensure that the user is assigned the following security roles:
    • Cloud group administration (Read-only)
    • Hardware administration (Read-only)
    • Workload resource administration (Read-only)
    Otherwise, the Cloud Pak System Software Agent cannot collect data for IBM Cloud Pak System Software.
  • IPAS_server_password is the password that is associated with the user name.
Important: The parameters in the example are shown on separate lines for clarity. When typing the command, type all the parameters on one line.