The log attribute
group provides information about database configuration parameters
that are related to archive logs, the number of archive logs, and
the size of archived log path.
Arch Retry Delay The archive retry
delay on error configuration parameter of the monitored DB2® instance. This parameter specifies the
number of seconds to wait after a failed archive attempt before trying
to archive the log file again. Subsequent retries only takes affect
if the value of the
numarchretry database
configuration parameter is at least 1. The following values are valid:
External value |
Internal value |
Value_Exceeds_Maximum |
2147483647 |
Value_Exceeds_Minimum |
-2147483647 |
Backup Pending This parameter indicates
whether you need to do a full backup of the database before accessing
it. This parameter is only on if the database configuration is
changed so that the database moves from being nonrecoverable to recoverable
(that is, initially both the logretain and userexit parameters were set to NO, and then
either one or both of these parameters is set to YES, and the update
to the database configuration is accepted).
Current® Active
Log The file number of the active log file that the monitored DB2 instance is currently writing. Use
this attributes with the first active log and last active log attributes
to determine the range of active log files. Knowing the range of active
log files helps you determine the disk space required for log files.
You can also use this attribute to determine which log files have
data to help you identify log files needed for split mirror support.
The following value is valid:
External value |
Internal value |
Value Exceeds Maximum |
9223372036854775807 |
Current Archive
Log The file number of the log file the DB2 instance is currently archiving. If
the DB2 instance is not archiving
a log file, the value for this element is SQLM_LOGFILE_NUM_UNKNOWN.
Use this attribute to determine if there is a problem archiving log
files. Such problems include the following two problems:
- Slow archive media
- Archive media that is not available
Current Primary
Log Used Percent The percentage of the primary log space that
are currently used.
Current Secondary
Log Used Percent The percentage of the secondary log space
that are currently used.
Database Is Consistent This attribute
indicates whether the database is in a consistent state. Valid
values are 1 (YES) and 0 (NO).
DB Alias The alias of the database
for which information is collected. The value format is a simple
text string with a maximum of 60 bytes. Use this attribute to identify
the specific database to which the data applies.
DB Name The real name of the database
for which information is collected. This name was given to the
database when it was created. The value format is a simple text string
with a maximum of 60 bytes. Use this attribute to identify the specific
database to which the data applies.
DB Partition The DB2 database partition node number, which can
range from 0 to 999. The Aggregated and Current Partition values can be used within
a query or situation filter. If you do not specify a db partition
filter, data is returned for either the current database partition
(single partition environment) or the aggregated database partitions
(multiple partition environment). If a db partition filter is set
to Aggregated, only aggregated partition data is returned. Historical
data collection includes both aggregated and individual partition
attribute data. In addition to numeric partition numbers in the 0
to 999 range, the following values are also valid:
External value |
Internal value |
Aggregated |
-1 |
Current Partition |
-2 |
All |
-3 |
Fail Log Path This attribute specifies
a path to which the monitored DB2 instance
will try to archive log files if the log files cannot be archived
to either the primary or the secondary (if set) archive destinations
because of a media problem affecting those destinations. This
specified path must reference a disk. If there are log files in the
directory that is specified by the fail log path attribute, any updates
to the fail log path attribute will not take effect immediately. Instead,
the update will take effect when all applications disconnect.
Fail Log Path Free Size The amount
of free space (in MB) that is available on the file system that is
pointed to by the fail log path attribute. The following value
is valid:
External value |
Internal value |
Value_Exceeds_Maximum |
9223372036854775807 |
Fail Log Path Total Size The capacity
of the file system (in MB) that is pointed to by the fail log path
attribute. The following value is valid:
External value |
Internal value |
Value_Exceeds_Maximum |
9223372036854775807 |
First Active Log The file number
of the first active log file. Use this attribute with the last
active log and current active log attributes to determine the range
of active log files. Knowing the range of active log files helps you
determine the disk space required for log files. You can also use
this attribute to determine which log files have data to help you
identify log files needed for split mirror support. The following
value is valid:
External value |
Internal value |
Value Exceeds Maximum |
9223372036854775807 |
Instance Name The name of the monitored DB2 instance. The valid format
is a text string with a maximum of 60 bytes.
Last Active Log The file number
of the last active log file. Use this attribute with the first
active log and current active log attributes to determine the range
of active log files. Knowing the range of active log files helps you
determine the disk space required for log files. You can also use
this attribute to determine which log files have data to help you
identify log files needed for split mirror support. The following
value is valid:
External value |
Internal value |
Value Exceeds Maximum |
9223372036854775807 |
Log Arch Meth1 The media type of
the primary destination for archived logs.
Log Arch Meth2 The media type of
the secondary destination for archived logs.
Log Arch Meth1 Free Size The amount
of free space (in MB) of the primary destination for archived logs. The
following value is valid:
External value |
Internal value |
Value_Exceeds_Maximum |
9223372036854775807 |
Log Arch Meth2 Free Size The amount
of free space (in MB) of the secondary destination for archived logs. The
following value is valid:
External value |
Internal value |
Value_Exceeds_Maximum |
9223372036854775807 |
Log Arch Meth1 Total Size The capacity
(in MB) of the primary destination for archived logs. The following
value is valid:
External value |
Internal value |
Value_Exceeds_Maximum |
9223372036854775807 |
Log Arch Meth2 Total Size The capacity
(in MB) of the secondary destination for archived logs. The following
value is valid:
External value |
Internal value |
Value_Exceeds_Maximum |
9223372036854775807 |
Log Buffer Size (4KB) This value
specifies the amount (in 4KB) of the database heap to use as a buffer
for log records before writing these records to disk. It is important
that the log buffer can hold the amount of log space used by an average
transaction. Otherwise, logging performance decreases and slows the
overall system. The valid format is integer.
Log File Size (4KB) This value defines
the size (in 4KB) of each primary and secondary log file. The
size of these log files limits the number of log records that can
be written to them before they become full and a new log file is required.
The following value is valid:
External value |
Internal value |
Value_Exceeds_Maximum |
9223372036854775807 |
Log Held by Dirty Pages The amount
of log (in bytes) corresponding to the difference between the oldest
dirty page in the database and the top of the active log. When
the snapshot is taken, this value is calculated based on conditions
at the time of that snapshot. Use this element to evaluate the effectiveness
of page cleaning for older pages in the buffer pool. The following
value is valid:
External value |
Internal value |
Value Exceeds Maximum |
9223372036854775807 |
Log Path This value indicates the
current path that is used for logging purposes.
Log Path Free Size The amount of
the free space (in MB) on the file system that is pointed to by the
log path attribute. The following value is valid:
External value |
Internal value |
Value_Exceeds_Maximum |
9223372036854775807 |
Log Path Total Size The capacity
of the file system (in MB) that is pointed by the log path attribute. The
following value is valid:
External value |
Internal value |
Value_Exceeds_Maximum |
9223372036854775807 |
Log Primary The number of primary
log files. The following values are valid:
External value |
Internal value |
Value_Exceeds_Maximum |
2147483647 |
Value_Exceeds_Minimum |
-2147483648 |
Log Reads The number of log pages
that are read from disk by the logger. The following value is
External value |
Internal value |
Value Exceeds Maximum |
9223372036854775807 |
Log Read Time The total elapsed time
that the logger spends reading log data from the disk. Use this
attribute with the log reads, num log read io, and num log data found
in buffer attributes to determine the following items:
- Whether the current disk is adequate for logging.
- Whether the log buffer size is adequate.
The following value is valid:
External value |
Internal value |
Value Exceeds Maximum |
9223372036854775807 |
Log Second The number of secondary
log files. The following values are valid:
External value |
Internal value |
Value_Exceeds_Maximum |
2147483647 |
Value_Exceeds_Minimum |
-2147483648 |
Log to Redo for Recovery The amount
of log (in bytes) that will have to be redone for crash recovery. When
the snapshot is taken, this value is calculated based on conditions
at the time of that snapshot. Larger values indicate longer recovery
times after a system crash. If the value seems excessive, check the
log held by dirty pages attribute to see if page cleaning needs to
be tuned. Also check if there are any long running transactions that
need to be terminated. The following value is valid:
External value |
Internal value |
Value Exceeds Maximum |
9223372036854775807 |
Log Retain The value of the log
retain enable configuration parameter. The attribute is deprecated
in DB2 Version 9.5, but is
used in pre-Version 9.5 data servers and clients. Valid values are
OFF = 0, RECOVERY = 1, and CAPTURE = 2.
Log Writes The number of log pages
written to disk by the logger. Use this attribute with an operating
system monitor to quantify the amount of I/O on a device that is attributable
to database activity. The following value is valid:
External value |
Internal value |
Value Exceeds Maximum |
9223372036854775807 |
Log Write Time The total elapsed time
that the logger spends writing log data to the disk. Use this
attribute with the log writes and num log write io attributes to determine
whether the current disk is adequate for logging. The following value
is valid:
External value |
Internal value |
Value Exceeds Maximum |
9223372036854775807 |
Mirror Log Path The string that
is specified for the mirror log path. The string points to a
full qualified path name.
Mirror Log Path Free Size The amount
of the free space (in MB) of the file system that is pointed by the
mirror log path attribute. The following value is valid:
External value |
Internal value |
Value_Exceeds_Maximum |
9223372036854775807 |
Mirror Log Path Total Size The capacity
(in MB) of the file system that is pointed by the mirror log path
attribute. The following value is valid:
External value |
Internal value |
Value_Exceeds_Maximum |
9223372036854775807 |
New Log Path The current value
of the newlogpath configuration parameter. A valid value is a
text string up to 768 characters in length. You can use the newlogpath
configuration parameter to specify a new location for the log files.
The specified path does not become the current log path until both
of the following conditions are met:
- The database is in a consistent state.
- All users are disconnected from the database.
When the first new connection is made to the database, the database
manager moves the logs to this location.
New Log Path Free Size The amount
of the free space (in MB) of the file system that is pointed by the
new log path attribute. The following value is valid:
External value |
Internal value |
Value_Exceeds_Maximum |
9223372036854775807 |
New Log Path Total Size The capacity
(in MB) of the file system that is pointed by the new log path attribute. The
following value is valid:
External value |
Internal value |
Value_Exceeds_Maximum |
9223372036854775807 |
Node Name For new installations
of version 6, release 2, the format is instanceid:hostname:UD for
all operating systems. The format for version 6, release 1 of
the DB2 agent on Windows systems is instanceid:hostname:UD;
on UNIX and Linux® systems, the format is instanceid:hostname.
Num Arch Retry The number of times
that the monitored DB2 instance
is to try archiving a log file to the primary or the secondary archive
directory before trying to archive log files to the failover directory. This
parameter is only used if the failarchpath database configuration
parameter is set. If the failarchpath database configuration parameter
is not set, DB2 will continuously
try archiving again to the primary or the secondary log path. The
following values are valid:
External value |
Internal value |
Value_Exceeds_Maximum |
2147483647 |
Value_Exceeds_Minimum |
-2147483647 |
Num Log Buffer Full The number of
times that agents have to wait for log data to write to disk while
copying log records into the log buffer. This value is increased
per agent per incident. For example, if two agents attempt to copy
log data while the buffer is full, this value is increased by two.
Use this attribute to determine if the LOGBUFSZ database configuration
parameter needs to be increased. The following value is valid:
External value |
Internal value |
Value Exceeds Maximum |
9223372036854775807 |
Num Log Data Found in Buffer The
number of times that an agent reads log data from the buffer. Reading
log data from the buffer is preferable to reading from the disk because
the latter is slower. Use this attribute with the num log read io
attribute to determine if the LOGBUFSZ database configuration parameter
needs to be increased. The following value is valid:
External value |
Internal value |
Value Exceeds Maximum |
9223372036854775807 |
Num Log Part Page IO The number
of I/O requests that are issued by the logger for writing partial
log data to the disk. Use this attribute with the log writes,
log write time, and num log write io attributes to determine if the
current disk is adequate for logging. The following value is valid:
External value |
Internal value |
Value Exceeds Maximum |
9223372036854775807 |
Num Log Read IO The number of I/O
requests that are issued by the logger for reading log data from the
disk. Use this attribute with the log reads and log read time
attributes to determine if the current disk is adequate for logging.
The following value is valid:
External value |
Internal value |
Value Exceeds Maximum |
9223372036854775807 |
Num Log Write IO The number of I/O
requests that are issued by the logger for writing log data to the
disk. Use this attribute with the log writes and log write time
attributes to determine if the current disk is adequate for logging.
The following value is valid:
External value |
Internal value |
Value Exceeds Maximum |
9223372036854775807 |
Overflow Log Path The location
for DB2 to find log files that
are needed for a rollforward operation, and to store active log files
that are retrieved from the archive. It also gives a location
for finding and storing log files that are needed for using db2ReadLog
Overflow Log Path Free Size The
amount of free space (in MB) of the file system that is specified
by the overflow log path attribute. The following value is valid:
External value |
Internal value |
Value_Exceeds_Maximum |
9223372036854775807 |
Overflow Log Path Total Size The
capacity (in MB) of the file system that is specified by the overflow
log path attribute. The following value is valid:
External value |
Internal value |
Value_Exceeds_Maximum |
9223372036854775807 |
Primary Log Used Percent The percentage
of total log space used by the primary log. Use the returned
value to help you evaluate the allocated amount of primary log space
and refine the log buffer size, log file size, and primary log configuration
parameters. The returned value is valid only if circular logging is
Restore Pending This attribute
indicates whether a RESTORE PENDING status exists in the database. Valid
values are 1(YES) and 0 (NO).
Rollforward Pending This attribute
indicates whether the monitored DB2 instance
is the rollforward pending status. Valid values are 1(YES) and
0 (NO).
Sec Logs Allocated The total number
of secondary log files that are currently being used for the database. Use
this attribute with the Secondary Log Used Top and Total Log Used
Top attributes to show the current dependency on secondary logs. If
this value is consistently high, you might need larger log files,
more primary log files, or more frequent COMMIT statements within
your application. The following value is valid:
External value |
Internal value |
Value Exceeds Maximum |
9223372036854775807 |
Sec Log Used Percent The percentage
of maximum log space used by the secondary log. Use the returned
value to show the current dependency on secondary logs. Secondary
logs are used when you have circular logging (log retention off) and
the primary log files are full.
Sec Log Used Top The
maximum amount of secondary log space (in bytes) that has been used. Use
this attribute with the Secondary Logs Allocated and Total Log Used
Top attributes to show the current dependency on secondary logs. If
this value is high, you might need larger log files, more primary
log files, or more frequent COMMIT statements within your application.
Values that are greater than or equal to 9223372036854775807 are indicated
with the
Value Exceeds Maximum
text in the portal.
The following value is valid:
External value |
Internal value |
Value Exceeds Maximum |
9223372036854775807 |
Snapshot Timestamp The date and
time when the database system monitor information was collected. Use
this attribute to help relate data chronologically if you are saving
the results in a file or database for ongoing analysis.
Total Log Available The amount of
active log space in the database that is not being used by uncommitted
transactions (in bytes). Use this element in conjunction with
the total log used attribute to determine whether you need to adjust
the following configuration parameters of the monitored DB2 instance to avoid running out of log space:
- logfilsiz
- logprimary
- logsecond
The following value is valid:
External value |
Internal value |
Value Exceeds Maximum |
9223372036854775807 |
Total Log Used The
total log space used in bytes in the database. The value format
is an integer. Values that are greater than or equal to 9223372036854775807
are indicated with the
Value Exceeds Maximum
in the portal. The following value is valid:
External value |
Internal value |
Value Exceeds Maximum |
9223372036854775807 |
Total Log Used Pct The percentage
of the log space that is in used the database. The value is calculated
using the following formula:
100 * (total_log_used/(total_log_used + total_log_available))
Total Log Used Top The maximum
amount of total log space (in bytes) that has been used. The
value format is an integer. Use this attribute to evaluate the amount
of primary log space that is allocated. Comparing the value of this
attribute with the amount of primary log space that is allocated can
help you evaluate the configuration parameter settings. Values that
are greater than or equal to 9223372036854775807 are indicated with
Value Exceeds Maximum
text in the portal. The
following value is valid:
External value |
Internal value |
Value Exceeds Maximum |
9223372036854775807 |
User Exit The value of the user
exit enable configuration parameter. The parameter is deprecated
in DB2 Version 9.5, but is
used in pre-Version 9.5 data servers and clients.