Features of the Db2 agent

The DB2® agent offers a central point of management for your Db2 environment. The Db2 agent provides a comprehensive means for gathering exactly the information that is required to detect problems early and to prevent them. Information is standardized across the system.

You can monitor a multitude of servers from a single Tivoli® Enterprise Portal, each server is monitored by a Db2 agent. Using the Db2 agent, you can collect and analyze specific information, including information about the following items:
  • Applications with the highest percentage of failed SQL statements, sort overflows, lock timeouts and deadlocks, and the lowest buffer pool hit ratio.
  • Buffer pool hit ratio by buffer pool, buffer pool hit ratio by database, average read and write times, asynchronous and synchronous I/O activity, extended store and non-buffer pool I/O activity.
  • Databases with the highest percentage of failed SQL statements, the lowest buffer pool hit ratio, and the highest number of connections, lock timeouts, and deadlocks.
  • Database High Availability and Disaster Recovery (HADR) configuration and runtime information.
  • Applications currently waiting for locks and other details about lock resources.
  • Server key events, the number of server connections, the databases with the lowest buffer pool hit ratio, and applications with the highest percentage of failed SQL statements.
  • Usage and page size of table spaces.
  • Resources of the system where the Db2 Server is running, including CPU usage, memory usage, and network information.
  • Log information, such as the amount of active log space, the percentage of used secondary log, and the amount of space that is used by archive logs.
  • Diagnostic messages from the db2diag.log file of the Db2 database, including information about administration notification log, event log, and diagnostic log.
  • Customized SQL statement definitions, last execution statuses, and results.