Diagnostic Messages (KUD_DB2_Diagnostic_Messages) attributes (Superseded)

The Diagnostic Messages attribute group contains key diagnostic messages, which can be used for troubleshooting.

This attribute group is superseded, and is replaced by the Diagnostic Log attribute group.

Database Name The database name. Data collection performance can be improved with the use of a situation or query filter using this attribute. When specifying a filter with a distinct database name or list of database names, the agent data collector filters the return data prior to data transmission to the Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Server and Tivoli Enterprise Portal Server.

Full Text of the Message The full text of the message.

Message Timestamp The date and time when the message was recorded.

MSGID The unique message identifier of the message. The msgid is a combination of the message type, message number, and level. For example, ADM7513W.

Node Name For new installations of version 6, release 2, the format is instanceid:hostname:UD for all operating systems. The format for version 6, release 1 of the DB2® agent on Windows systems is instanceid:hostname:UD; on UNIX and Linux® systems, the format is instanceid:hostname.

Timezone Displacement The difference between UTC (Coordinated Universal Time, formerly known as GMT) and local time at the application server.