Take Action commands

The Take Action feature lets your interactive Cloud Pak System Software Monitoring Portal users enter a command or stop or start a process at any system in your network where one or more monitoring agents are installed. The Monitoring Agent for WebSphere Applications (also referred to as WebSphere agent) Take Action commands let you use the Cloud Pak System Software Monitoring Portal interface to start, stop, or recycle a WebSphere Application Server or to control the level of monitoring for the current server.

Users can invoke a Take Action command from a workspace, from the Navigator, from a situation that you create, on demand, or by recalling a saved Take Action command.

Note: The following take action commands are for internal use only and are not for use in the Cloud Pak System Software Monitoring Portal. The configuration workspaces use these take action commands to communicate internally with the monitoring agent.
  • Configure
  • ConfigureCancel
  • ConfigurePing