Deploying ICAM Data Collectors

IBM® Cloud App Management, Advanced provides two categories of ICAM Data Collectors to monitor your application workloads: Kubernetes data collector and runtime data collectors.

  • The Kubernetes data collector is not embedded into the application workloads: it is installed outside the container workloads and typically collects the performance metrics by connecting to the workload's management interface. Kubernetes workloads can be monitored by the Kubernetes data collector.
  • Runtime data collectors are embedded within the application workloads that you want to monitor, and can collect deep performance data about the application. Node.js, Liberty, and J2SE applications can be instrumented by runtime data collectors.

After downloading the data collector eImage from Passport Advantage and the configuration package from the Cloud App Management server, you can install and configure the Kubernetes data collector and runtime data collectors.

The illustration depicts an installation with the Kubernetes data collector installed on two clusters in the Kubernetes environment and the Liberty data collector and Node.js data collector installed on one cluster.
Deployment diagram showing two monitored Kubernetes clusters.