DFHXS1111 date time applid tranid Security violation by user userid { at netname | at console } portname for resource resource in class classname. SAF codes are (X'safresp',X'safreas'). ESM codes are (X'esmresp',X'esmreas'). RACF request made was reqtype.


CICS has detected a security violation by user userid while performing an authority check for resource resource in resource class classname.

If the userid causing the violation is signed on at a VTAM terminal, the phrase at netname portname reports the netname at which the violation occurred. If the userid causing the violation is signed on at a console, the phrase at console portname reports the console name at which the violation occurred. If the userid causing the violation is not signed on or this is a non terminal task, the entry port does not appear in this message as it is not available.

The response and reason codes (safresp and safreas) returned by the system authorization facility (SAF), and the response and reason codes (esmresp and esmreas) returned by the external security manager (ESM) are those issued by the RACROUTE REQUEST=FASTAUTH or RACROUTE REQUEST=AUTH macros. These return codes are described in the z/OS MVS Programming: Authorized Assembler Services Guide and in z/OS Security Server RACROUTE Macro Reference.

CICS can also issue this message when you use the EXEC CICS QUERY SECURITY command with the LOGMESSAGE(LOG) option.

System action

CICS abnormally terminates the task requesting the invalid access except under one of the following conditions:

  • The command is issued within the scope of an EXEC CICS HANDLE NOTAUTH command.

  • The command is issued as a result of an EXEC CICS QUERY SECURITY command.

User response

Note the security violation.



XMEOUT parameters/Message inserts

  1. date
  2. time
  3. applid
  4. tranid
  5. userid
  6. Value chosen from the following options:
  7. portname
  8. resource
  9. classname
  10. X'safresp'
  11. X'safreas'
  12. X'esmresp'
  13. X'esmreas'
  14. reqtype



Applicable releases in Version 6

  • 6.2
  • 6.1