Write a message on the system console.



Read syntax diagramSkip visual syntax diagramWRITE OPERATORTEXT( data-value)TEXTLENGTH( data-value)ROUTECODES( data-value)NUMROUTES( data-value)CONSNAME( data-value)EVENTUALACTION( cvda)CRITICALIMMEDIATEREPLY( data-area)MAXLENGTH( data-value)REPLYLENGTH( data-area)TIMEOUT( data-value)


This command is threadsafe.

NOHANDLE, RESP, and RESP2 are common options that can be added to all EXEC CICS commands to process error conditions. They are not explicitly included in the command syntax diagram and option descriptions. For information about these common options and EXEC CICS command syntax, see EXEC CICS command format and programming considerations.

Note: This command is threadsafe, but the REPLY option is not compatible with a key 9 TCB. If an EXEC CICS WRITE OPERATOR command specifying the REPLY option is issued from a key 9 TCB, CICS® switches to the QR TCB to process the command.


WRITE OPERATOR enables an application to write a message to one or more system consoles and, if required, wait for a reply. If you want to write messages to a specific console, use the CONSNAME option to specify the console that is to receive the messages. If you want to write messages to multiple consoles, use the ROUTECODES option to specify a group of consoles that are to receive the messages. The ROUTECODES option is of particular use to application packages that have to issue their own operator messages. However, CONSNAME and ROUTECODES are mutually exclusive.

As a result of a change in the way CICS handles messages sent to the console, text lengths of greater than 113 characters are split into two lines. None of the variables below can be defined as PL/I variable character strings.

Note: If ACTION (or one of the equivalent CVDA values below) is specified, the message is retained until the console operator explicitly deletes it or CICS terminates.

The action code is identical with the descriptor code to be associated with the message. Only one of the descriptor codes 2, 3, or 11 may be specified for this parameter.

If ACTION is not specified, no descriptor code is associated with the message. The descriptor codes have the following meanings:
Immediate action
Eventual action
Critical eventual action.

The CRITICAL option is equivalent to a specification of ACTION(11). The EVENTUAL option is equivalent to a specification of ACTION(3). The IMMEDIATE option is equivalent to a specification of ACTION(2).

Retained messages can be handled by the console operator in a variety of ways (see z/OS MVS System Commands). Refer to your system programmer for information about how this command affects the appearance of the console screen to the operator.


Specifies an action code that is associated with this message. CVDA values are:
Specifies that the message requires eventual action by the operator and has enough critical importance to remain on the console screen. The message remains on the screen until it is deleted by the operator.
Specifies that the operator should take action when there is time. The message is rolled off when other messages fill up the screen, but is still retained by the operating system until the operator explicitly deletes it.
Specifies that the operator should take action immediately. The message remains on the console screen until it is deleted by the operator.
Specifies the 8-character name of a console to which messages are sent. This option enables messages to be sent a specific console identified by CONSNAME.

Valid characters include uppercase letters (A-Z), digits (0-9), and the special characters @ (at sign), # (pound sign), and $ (dollar sign).

CONSNAME and ROUTECODES are mutually exclusive.

Specifies a fullword binary field that contains the length of the reply area (in the range 1–119 bytes). You must specify MAXLENGTH if you specify REPLY.
Specifies a fullword binary field that defines the number of routing codes.
Specifies a data area for receiving the operator's reply. If you specify this option, your application pauses until either a reply is received or the TIMEOUT period expires.
Specifies the actual length (fullword binary value) of the operator's reply.
Specifies a variable-length field. Each code is one byte and contains a binary number in the range 1–28. The default is a single code, set to 2.

In COBOL programs only, you must use a data-area that contains the 1-byte values rather than a data-value.

ROUTECODES and CONSNAME are mutually exclusive.

Specifies a data value containing the text to be sent.

If the data value begins with DFHnnnn or DFHaannnn, the message is treated as a CICS message and is reformatted accordingly.

If you are using the COBOL2 translator option, you must use a data-area that contains the text to be sent to the operator, and not a data-value.

Specifies the length, as a fullword binary value, of the text. This option is required only for C and C++ programs.
  • If the REPLY option is specified, the length is in the range 0–121 bytes.
  • If the REPLY option is not specified, the length is in the range 0–690 bytes.

If the length of the text is greater than 113, CICS formats the message in a multi-line write to operator (WTO); each line has 69 bytes with a maximum of ten lines.

The output is edited in such a way that each line is broken, if possible, at a space character, The next line starts with a non-space character. If there is no room to reformat the data within the overall limit of 690 bytes of ten lines of 69 bytes, the output is not reformatted.

Specifies a fullword binary field that contains the maximum time (in seconds) that CICS waits for a reply before returning control to this transaction. This must be in the range 0–86 400 (24 hours). The system default value is specified by the OPERTIM system initialization parameter. You can only specify TIMEOUT if you have also specified REPLY.


RESP2 values:
The MVS WTO command specifying CONSNAME, issued by CICS for the WRITE OPERATOR request, has returned an error.
RESP2 values:
TIMEOUT has occurred before the operator's reply was received.

Default action: return the exception condition to the application.

RESP2 values:
The TEXTLENGTH value is not valid.
The NUMROUTES value is not valid.
The ROUTECODES value is not valid.
The MAXLENGTH value is not valid.
The TIMEOUT value is not valid.
The ACTION value is not valid.
The CONSNAME length is not valid. The CONSNAME value must be 2 to 8 characters in length.
The CONSNAME value is not valid.

Default action: terminate the task abnormally.

RESP2 values:
The reply was longer than MAXLENGTH, and has been truncated.

Default action: terminate the task abnormally.