Setting up CMCI in a single CICS region

To manage a CICS® region that is not part of a CICSplex by an HTTP client, you can set up the CICS management client interface (CMCI) in the region to turn it into a CICS System Management Single Server (SMSS).

For CICS TS 5.6 or later: If you opt to use the basic CMCI instead of the CMCI JVM server, follow this procedure to set up your CMCI. If you want to set up the CMCI with the CMCI JVM server for enhanced features, refer to CICS TS 5.6 documentation.

About this task

Sample resource definitions are provided for setting up the CMCI in a single CICS region. The samples are included in the CICS system definition file (CSD) in group DFH$WU.

  • DFH$WUUR is a sample URIMAP definition.
  • DFH$WUTC is a sample TCPIPSERVICE definition.

You can install these resources as they are, or more typically you can copy and modify them to tailor them for your environment. However, you must always specify the URIMAP path as CICSSystemManagement/*.

The supplied procedure by default does not activate security on the interface. If security is not active, messages that are produced by auditing system programming interface commands contain the default user ID of the region.

To set up security for the CMCI in a single CICS region, you can tailor the supplied samples as instructed in Configuring security for CMCI in a single CICS region.

Use the following procedure to set up the CMCI in a single CICS region by using the samples provided.


  1. Change your CICS startup JCL:
    1. Add the hlq.CPSM.SEYUAUTH library to the STEPLIB concatenation, where hlq is your high-level qualifier; for example CICSTS55
    2. Add the hlq.CPSM.SEYULOAD library to the DFHRPL concatenation, where hlq is your high-level qualifier; for example CICSTS55
    These libraries must be at the same CICS TS level as those for CICS; that is, the same as the CICS hlq.CICS.SDFHAUTH and CICS hlq.CICS.SDFHLOAD libraries in the STEPLIB concatenation.
  2. Ensure that the system initialization parameter CPSMCONN is set to NO for your CICS region.
    CPSMCONN must be set to NO for CICS Explorer® to connect to an SMSS.
  3. Ensure that the RDO group DFHWU is being installed in a list that is included in the group list (GRPLIST) at CICS startup. The DFHWU group is included in the default CICS startup list DFHLIST. The group contains resources that are required by the CMCI.
  4. Start your CICS region.
  5. Install the sample URIMAP definition, DFH$WUUR.
    This sample URI map uses transaction CWWU and calls program DFHWBA to analyze the CICS web request. DFH$WUUR includes the following attribute values:
    Attribute name Attribute value
    Description Sample System Management Interface URI map
    Group DFH$WU
    Host *
    Path CICSSystemManagement/*
    Port No
    Program DFHWUIPG
    Scheme HTTP
    Status Enabled
    TCP/IP service name DFH$WUTC
    Transaction CWWU
    URI map DFH$WUUR
    Usage Server
    Other attributes in the sample definition retain their default values.
    Note: The TCP/IP service name must match your TCPIPSERVICE definition. If you use a TCPIPSERVICE definition with a name other than DFH$WUTC, ensure that you rename the TCP/IP service name in the URIMAP definition accordingly.
  6. Copy and rename the sample TCPIPSERVICE definition, DFH$WUTC and change the port number to a unique value.
    DFH$WUTC includes the following attribute values:
    Attribute name Attribute value
    Authentication level No
    CICS transaction ID CWXN
    Description Sample System Management Interface TCPIP service
    Group DFH$WU
    Host Any
    Port 1490
    Protocol HTTP
    Queue backlog limit 0
    SSL No
    Status Open
    TCP/IP service name DFH$WUTC
    Timeout for socket close No
    User-replaceable module name DFHWBAAX
    Other attributes in the sample definition can retain their default values.
  7. Install the TCPIPSERVICE definition.
    • You must define the following transactions to RACF®, or an equivalent external security manager, and ensure that CMCI users are authorized to access the transactions: CODB, COD0, COD1, COD2, COSH, COLU, CWWU, and CWXN.
    • Ensure that the DFHCNV table used by CICS contains a DFHWBUD entry.
    • If you use your own version of the DFHCNV source module, you must assemble and link-edit it using the new macros or ensure that you include the necessary code pages.

What to do next

Use CICS Explorer or a browser to check that your setup works correctly.

If necessary, you can use the following checks:
  1. Check that the TCPIPSERVICE is OPEN and URIMAP is ENABLED on the single CICS region. Confirm the port and that the URIMAP references the TCPIPSERVICE with the new name and not the old DFH$WUTC resource that you copied.
  2. Try to access the URL by using the following request in your browser. If the browser returns a result, your setup is working as expected. The CMCI URIMAP responds only to requests for URLs that begin as follows:
  3. Check for any SMSS related messages on the region job log, for example:
    EYUXL0022I xxxxxxxx SMSS Phase I initialization complete
    EYUXL0007I xxxxxPhase II initialization complete
    EYUNL0099I xxxxxxxx SMSS LRT initialization complete
  4. Check for any installation errors in both the job log and the MSGUSR log.
  5. Try to connect CICS Explorer to the CMCI port to check whether that connection works.