DFHFC0208I applid LSR pool n is being built dynamically by CICS because all of the necessary parameters have not been supplied. Either there is no LSRPOOL definition or it is incomplete. The following are not defined: 'CISIZE' 'STRINGS' 'MAXKEYLENGTH'. A delay is possible.


If one or more of the parameters, CI size, strings and maxkeylength are not defined for a LSR pool, either because there is no LSRPOOL definition or it is incomplete, then CICS will calculate the size by using information from the VSAM Catalog for data sets allocated to this LSR pool.

System action

CICS will issue SHOWCATS to obtain the information necessary to calculate the LSR pool size. If any data sets have been migrated the SHOWCAT could take longer than expected.

User response

If there are severe delays due to SHOWCAT processing, you will have to wait for migrated data sets to be recalled, and for the calculation of the LSR pool size to complete. If you wish to avoid similar problems in the future, consider defining the LSR pool explicitly. The missing parameters are contained in this message.

Normally, you will not experience delays, in which case no user action is required.

You can suppress this message with the system initialization parameter, MSGLVL=0.



XMEOUT parameters/Message inserts

  1. applid
  2. n
  3. 'CISIZE'
  4. 'STRINGS'

