Retrieve information about transactions.
In the CICS Explorer, the Transactions operations view provides a functional equivalent to this command.
The INQUIRE TRANSACTION command returns information about transaction definitions.
The resource signature
You can use this command to display the resource signature fields. You can use these fields to manage resources by capturing details of when the resource was defined, installed, and last changed. For more information, see Auditing resources. The resource signature fields are CHANGEAGENT, CHANGEAGREL, CHANGETIME, CHANGEUSRID, DEFINESOURCE, DEFINETIME, INSTALLAGENT, INSTALLTIME, and INSTALLUSRID. See Summary of the resource signature field values for detailed information about the content of the resource signature fields.
- Type
(or suitable abbreviations for the keywords). The resulting display lists the current status. - Type
(or suitable abbreviations for the keywords), followed by the attributes that are necessary to limit the range of information that you require. For example, if you entercemt i trans en pu
, the resulting display shows the details of only those transactions that are enabled and system-purgeable.
- Overtype your changes on the INQUIRE screen after tabbing to the appropriate field. See Overtyping a display.
- Use the CEMT SET TRANSACTION command.
- (value)
- A 1- to 4-character transaction identifier. Only transactions that have been defined in the CICS® system definition (CSD) file and installed on the running CICS system are accessible through CEMT.
- The default.
- CLASS(value)
- Is the 2-character suffix of a transaction list table (XLT).
Sample screen
Tra(AADD) Pri( 001 ) Pro(DFH$AALL) Tcl( DFHTCL00 ) Ena Pur
Prf(DFHCICST) Uda Bel Iso
Tra(ABRW) Pri( 001 ) Pro(DFH$ABRW) Tcl( DFHTCL00 ) Ena Pur
Prf(DFHCICST) Uda Bel Iso
Tra(ADYN) Pri( 001 ) Pro(DFH99 ) Tcl( DFHTCL00 ) Ena Pur
Prf(DFHCICST) Uda Bel Iso
Tra(AINQ) Pri( 001 ) Pro(DFH$AALL) Tcl( DFHTCL00 ) Ena Pur
Prf(DFHCICST) Uda Bel Iso
Tra(AMNU) Pri( 001 ) Pro(DFH$AMNU) Tcl( DFHTCL00 ) Ena Pur
Prf(DFHCICST) Uda Bel Iso
Tra(AORD) Pri( 001 ) Pro(DFH$AREN) Tcl( DFHTCL00 ) Ena Pur
Prf(DFHCICST) Uda Bel Iso
Tra(AORQ) Pri( 001 ) Pro(DFH$ACOM) Tcl( DFHTCL00 ) Ena Pur
Prf(DFHCICST) Uda Bel Iso
Tra(AREP) Pri( 001 ) Pro(DFH$AREP) Tcl( DFHTCL00 ) Ena Pur
Prf(DFHCICST) Uda Bel Iso
+ Tra(AUPD) Pri( 001 ) Pro(DFH$AALL) Tcl( DFHTCL00 ) Ena Pur
Prf(DFHCICST) Uda Bel Iso
If you place the cursor against a specific entry in the list and press ENTER, CICS displays an expanded format, as shown in Figure 2.
Priority( 001 )
Tclass( DFHTCL00 )
Status( Enabled )
Purgeability( Purgeable )
Displayed fields
- BREXIT(value)
- Returns
the 8-character name of the bridge exit defined by the BREXIT parameter
of the named transaction resource definition.
If BREXIT is not defined, blanks are returned.
- Displays a value that identifies the agent that made the last change to the resource definition.
You cannot use CEMT to filter on some of these values because they are duplicated. The possible
values are as follows:
- The resource definition was last changed by an EXEC CICS CREATE command.
- The resource definition was last changed by a CEDA transaction or the programmable interface to DFHEDAP.
- The resource definition was last changed by a DFHCSDUP job.
- The resource definition was last changed by a CICSPlex SM BAS API command.
- The resource definition was last changed by the CICS or CICSPlex system.
- Displays the 4-digit number of the CICS release that was running when the resource definition was last changed.
- CHANGETIME(date time)
- Displays the date and time when the resource definition was last changed. The format of the date depends on the value that you selected for the DATFORM system initialization parameter for your CICS region. The format of the time is hh:mm:ss.
- Displays the 8-character user ID that ran the change agent.
- Displays the source of the resource definition. The DEFINESOURCE value depends on the CHANGEAGENT option. For details, see Summary of the resource signature field values.
- DEFINETIME(date time)
- Displays the date and time when the resource was created. The format of the date depends on the value that you selected for the DATFORM system initialization parameter for your CICS region. The format of the time is hh:mm:ss.
- Returns the 4-character name of the terminal defined by the FACILITYLIKE parameter of the PROFILE associated with the named transaction resource definition.
- Displays
the action, based on the ACTION attribute of the TRANSACTION resource
definition, to be taken if the CICS region
fails or loses connectivity with its coordinator while a unit of work
is in the indoubt period.
The action depends on the values returned in Indoubtwait and Indoubtmins; if Indoubtwait returns WAIT, the action is not normally taken until the time returned in Indoubtmins expires. For exceptions to this rule, see Indoubtwait.
The values are as follows:- BACKOUT
- All changes made to recoverable resources are to be backed out.
- All changes made to recoverable resources are to be committed, and the unit of work marked as completed.
- Displays
the length of time, in minutes, after a failure during the indoubt
period, before the transaction is to take the action returned in the
Indoubt field. The returned value is valid only if the unit of work
is indoubt and Indoubtwait returns WAIT.
See also Indoubt and Indoubtwait.
- Displays,
based on the WAIT attribute of the TRANSACTION definition, how CICS is to respond if a failure
occurs while a unit of work (UOW) is in an indoubt state. The values
are as follows:
- The UOW is not to wait, pending recovery from the failure. CICS is to take immediately whatever action is specified on the ACTION attribute of the TRANSACTION definition.
- The
UOW is to wait, pending recovery from the failure, to determine whether
recoverable resources are to be backed out or committed. Even if Indoubtwait returns WAIT, aspects of the UOW might force CICS to take an immediate decision; that is, to take immediately the action specified on the ACTION attribute of the transaction definition. Such processing can happen if, for example, the UOW contains one of these sessions:
- Subordinate LU6.1 sessions
- Subordinate MRO sessions to pre-CICS Transaction Server for z/OS® systems.
For further information about the meaning of the ACTION and WAIT attributes of the TRANSACTION definition, see TRANSACTION definition attributes.
- Displays a value that identifies the agent that installed the resource. You cannot use CEMT to
filter on some of these values because they are duplicated. The possible values are as follows:
- The resource was installed by a bundle deployment.
- The resource was installed by an EXEC CICS CREATE command.
- The resource was installed by a CEDA transaction or the programmable interface to DFHEDAP.
- The resource was installed by GRPLIST INSTALL.
- The resource was installed by the CICS or CICSPlex SM system.
- INSTALLTIME(date time)
- Displays the date and time when the resource was installed. The format of the date depends on the value that you selected for the DATFORM system initialization parameter for your CICS region. The format of the time is hh:mm:ss.
- Displays the 8-character user ID that installed the resource.
- Displays
whether the user-key task-lifetime storage is isolated from the user-key
programs of other transactions.
- The user-key task-lifetime storage of the transaction is accessible only by the user-key programs of its own task. The user-key task-lifetime storage of the transaction is isolated from all the user-key programs of all other tasks.
- The user-key task-lifetime storage of the transaction is accessible by its own programs, and also by user-key programs of other transactions defined with the ISOLATE(NO) option.
- Displays a fullword data-area containing the default period in seconds that an OTS transaction, created in an EJB environment running under this CICS transaction, is allowed to execute before sync point.
- PRFILE(value)
- Displays the name of the profile definition that defines additional options associated with this transaction.
- PRIORITY(value)
- Displays
a value indicating the priority of a transaction relative to other
transactions. When a transaction is running as a CICS task, the priority of a task is the sum
of the transaction priority, the terminal priority, and the operator
You can reset this value by overtyping it with a different value.
The value is in the range 0 - 255, where 255 is the highest priority. - PROGRAM(value)
- Displays an 8-character string identifying the name of the first program to run when this transaction is started.
- Displays
whether the transaction is purgeable in system stall conditions. The
values are as follows:
- The transaction is system-purgeable. This value relates to the SPURGE parameter on the transaction resource definition and indicates that CICS can purge the transaction in a deadlock timeout. See TRANSACTION definition attributes for information about the SPURGE and DTIMOUT parameters on a transaction resource definition.
- The transaction cannot be purged.
You can reset this value by overtyping it with a different value.
- Displays
whether, if the transaction is the subject of an eligible EXEC CICS START command, it will be
routed using the enhanced routing method. The values are as follows:
- If the transaction is the subject of a START command, it is routed using the “traditional” method.
- If the transaction is the subject of an eligible START command, it is routed using the enhanced method.
For details of the enhanced and “traditional” methods of routing transactions invoked by EXEC CICS START commands, see CICS transaction routing.
- Displays
whether the transaction is available for use.
- The transaction is available for use.
- The
transaction is not available for use.
A disabled transaction does not prevent a START command that names this transaction from being shipped to a remote region. When a task is attached for the requested transaction, CICS checks that the transaction is enabled in the remote region.
Note: You can reset this value by overtyping it with a different value. - TASKDATAKEY
- Displays
the storage key in which CICS obtains
all storage for use by the transaction. This storage includes the
task-lifetime storage, that is the transaction work area (TWA) and
the EXEC interface block (EIB), and the storage that CICS obtains on behalf of programs that run
under the transaction. The values are as follows:
- CICS obtains storage for the transaction from CICS-key storage. Application programs that run in CICS key have read-write access to this storage, but user-key programs have read-only access.
- CICS obtains storage for the transaction from user-key storage. Application programs that run in any key have read-write access to this storage.
See the description of the TASKDATAKEY parameter on the transaction resource definition in TRANSACTION definition attributes.
- Displays
whether certain CICS control
blocks, including EIB and TWA, for a transaction are acquired above
or below 16 MB.
- The transaction accepts task-related data anywhere.
- The transaction requires any task-related data (TWA and EIB plus any internal control blocks) to be located below 16 MB.
- TCLASS(value)
- Displays
an 8-character string identifying the name of the transaction class
to which the transaction belongs. If the transaction does not belong
to a class, DFHTCL00 is returned.
You can reset this value by overtyping it with a different value.
To remove a transaction from its TCLASS, set this field to DFHTCL00. An added or changed TCLASS must be one that has already been defined.
- Indicates that this panel relates to a TRANSACTION inquiry and displays a 4-character transaction identifier. Only transactions that have been defined in the CICS system definition (CSD) file and installed on the running CICS system are accessible through CEMT.
- TRPROF(value)
- Displays the name of the transaction routing profile that defines additional options associated with this transaction if it is defined as a remote transaction.