Send mapped output data to a terminal. The keywords are separated into those supported by minimum, standard, and full BMS. For further information about BMS, see Basic mapping support.

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>>-SEND MAP(name)----------------------------------------------><

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   | '-FROM(data-area)-'  '-DATAONLY-'  '-LENGTH(data-value)-' |   

   '-CURSOR-+------------------+-'  '-FORMFEED-'   

   +-ERASE--+-----------+-+  '-PRINT-'  '-FREEKB-'  '-ALARM-'   
   |        +-ALTERNATE-+ |                                     
   |        '-DEFAULT---' |                                     


Read syntax diagramSkip visual syntax diagram

   '-NLEOM-'  '-MSR(data-value)-'  '-FMHPARM(name)-'   

   | '-OUTPARTN(name)-'  '-ACTPARTN(name)-' |   

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   '-ACCUM-'  +-SET(ptr-ref)-----------------+   
                          '-WAIT-'  '-LAST-'     

   '-REQID(name)-'  '-NOFLUSH-'  +-L40----+   



SEND MAP sends output data to a terminal.

When using the SEND MAP command with any of the ALARM, FREEKB, FRSET, HONEOM, L40, L64, L80, or PRINT options, see DFHMDI options, CTRL for a description of the option priority.

See BMS macros for map definition.


specifies that this command is one of a number of commands that are used to build a logical message. The logical message is completed by a SEND PAGE command, or deleted by a PURGE MESSAGE command.
specifies the name (1–2 characters) of the partition to be activated. Activating a partition moves the cursor into the specified partition, and unlocks the keyboard for the specified partition.

This option is ignored if the target terminal does not support partitions, or if there is no application partition set.

specifies that the 3270 audible alarm feature is to be activated. For logical units supporting FMHs (except interactive and batch logical units), ALARM instructs BMS to set the alarm flag in the FMH.

When using the ALARM option, refer to DFHMDI options, CTRL for a description of the option priority.

sets the terminal to use the ALTERNATE screen size.
specifies the location to which the 3270 or 3604 cursor is to be returned upon completion of a SEND MAP command.

The data value must be a halfword binary value that specifies the cursor position relative to zero; the range of values that can be specified depends on the size of the screen being used. If no data value is specified, symbolic cursor positioning is assumed.

This option overrides any IC option of the ATTRB operand of DFHMDF. If ACCUM is being used, the most recent value of CURSOR specified is used to position the cursor.

The value specified in the CURSOR option must be positive. A negative value leads to unpredictable results.

specifies that only application program data is to be written. The attribute characters (3270 only) must be specified for each field in the supplied data. If the attribute byte in the user-supplied data is set to X'00', the attribute byte on the screen is unchanged. Any default data or attributes from the map are ignored.
sets the terminal to use the DEFAULT screen size.
specifies that the screen printer buffer or partition is to be erased and the cursor returned to the upper left corner of the screen. (This option applies only to the 3270, or 8775, and to the 3604 Keyboard Display.)

The first output operation in any transaction, or in a series of pseudoconversational transactions, should always specify ERASE. For transactions attached to 3270 screens or printers, unless explicitly overridden by the DEFAULT or ALTERNATE option, this also ensures that the correct screen size is selected, as defined for the transaction by the SCRNSIZE option in the RDO PROFILE definition.

specifies that before this page of output is displayed, all unprotected character locations in the partition or the entire screen are to be erased. (This option applies only to the 3270 and 8775.)
specifies the name (1–8 characters) of the outboard map to be used. (This option applies only to 3650 logical units with outboard formatting.)
specifies that a new page is required. For 3270 printers and displays, the FORMFEED character is positioned at the start of the buffer. The application program must thus ensure that this buffer position is not overwritten by map or text data. It is ignored if the target terminal does not support FORMFEED (that is, the RDO TYPETERM option FORMFEED was not used).
specifies that the 3270 keyboard should be unlocked after the data is written. If FREEKB is omitted, the keyboard remains locked.

Note that the keyboard lock status is maintained separately for each partition on a terminal that supports partitions.

When using the FREEKB option, refer to DFHMDI options, CTRL for a description of the option priority.

specifies the data area containing the data to be processed. If this field is not specified, the name defaults to the name of the map suffixed with an O. This includes the 12-byte prefix generated by the TIOAPFX=YES option on the DFHMDI and DFHMSD BMS map definitions (see DFHMDI operands, TERM and Specifying NODDS in the BMS operand).
specifies that the modified data tags (MDTs) of all fields currently in the 3270 (or partition) buffer are to be reset to the unmodified condition (that is, field reset) before any map data is written to the buffer.

This allows the ATTRB operand of DFHMDF for the requested map to control the final status of fields written or rewritten in response to a BMS command, if no other attribute information has been written in the symbolic map.

When using the FRSET option refer to DFHMDI options, CTRL for a description of the option priority.

specifies that the default printer line length is to be used. This length should be the same as that specified using the RDO TYPETERM options PAGESIZE or ALTPAGE, and the same as the printer platen width; otherwise the data may not format correctly.

When using the HONEOM option, refer to DFHMDI options, CTRL for a description of the option priority.

specifies that this is the last output operation for a transaction and, therefore, the end of a bracket. This option applies to logical units only.
specifies a 2-character mnemonic to be used to determine the logical device code (LDC) to be transmitted in the FMH to the logical unit. The mnemonic identifies an LDC entry defined by a DFHTCT TYPE=LDC macro.

When an LDC is specified, BMS uses the device type, the page size, and the page status associated with the LDC mnemonic to format the message. These values are taken from the extended local LDC table for the logical unit, if it has one. If the logical unit has only a local (unextended) LDC table, the values are taken from the system LDC table. The numeric value of the LDC is obtained from the local LDC table, unless this is an unextended table and the value is not specified, in which case it is taken from the system table.

If the LDC option is omitted, the LDC mnemonic specified in the DFHMSD macro is used; see DFHMSD. If the LDC option has also been omitted from the DFHMSD macro, the action depends on the type of logical unit, as follows:
3601 logical unit
The first entry in the local or extended local LDC table is used, if there is one. If a default cannot be obtained in this way, a null LDC numeric value (X'00') is used. The page size used is the value that is specified in the RDO TYPETERM options PAGESIZE or ALTPAGE, or (1,40) if such a value is not specified.
LUTYPE4 logical unit, batch logical unit, or batch data interchange logical unit
The local LDC table is not used to supply a default LDC; instead, the message is directed to the logical unit console (that is, to any medium that the logical unit elects to receive such messages). For a batch data interchange logical unit, this does not imply sending an LDC in an FMH. The page size is obtained in the manner described for the 3601 logical unit.
specifies the length of the data to be formatted as a halfword binary value.

If the data area sending the map is longer than the data to be mapped, LENGTH should be specified. This should include the length of the 12-byte prefix generated by the TIOAPFX=YES option on the DFHMDI and DFHMSD BMS map definitions (see DFHMDI operands, TERM and Specifying NODDS in the BMS operand). For a description of a safe upper limit, see LENGTH options in CICS commands.

L40, L64, or L80
specifies the line length for a 3270 printer; a carrier return and line feed are forced after 40, 64, or 80 characters have been printed on a line. Unacceptable results are likely if this differs from the page width specified by the RDO TYPETERM options PAGESIZE or ALTPAGE.

When using the options, refer to DFHMDI options, CTRL for a description of the option priority.

specifies the name (1–7 characters) of the map to be used.
specifies that only default data from the map is to be written.
specifies the unsuffixed name (1–7 characters) of the mapset to be used. The mapset must reside in the CICS® program library. The mapset can be defined either by using RDO or by program autoinstall when the mapset is first used. If this option is not specified, the name given in the MAP option is assumed to be that of the mapset.

The number of maps per mapset is limited to a maximum of 9 998.

specifies the 4-byte data value that controls the 10/63 magnetic stripe reader attached to an 8775 or 3643 terminal. A set of constants is provided in DFHMSRCA to assist in setting this 4-byte area. See Magnetic slot reader (MSR) control value constants, DFHMSRCA for a complete list. This option is ignored if the RDO TYPETERM option MSRCONTROL was not used.
specifies that data for a 3270 printer or a 3275 display with the printer adapter feature should be built with blanks and new-line (NL) characters, and that an end-of-message (EM) character should be placed at the end of the data. As the data is printed, each NL character causes printing to continue on the next line, and the EM character terminates printing.

This option must be specified in the first SEND MAP command used to build a logical message. The option is ignored if the device receiving the message (direct or routed) is not one of those mentioned above.

If this option is used, buffer updating and attribute modification of fields previously written into the buffer are not allowed. CICS includes the ERASE option with every write to the terminal.

The NL character occupies a buffer position. A number of buffer positions, equivalent to the value of the RDO TYPETERM options PAGESIZE or ALTPAGE, for that terminal, is unavailable for data. This may cause data to wrap around in the buffer; if this occurs, the PAGESIZE or ALTPAGE value must be reduced.

The NLEOM option overrides the ALARM option if the latter is present.

specifies that CICS does not clear pages on completion but returns control to the program (having set the OVERFLOW condition in EIBRESP).
specifies the name (1–2 characters) of the partition to which data is to be sent. This option is ignored if the terminal does not support partitions, or if there is no application partition set associated with the terminal. If there is an application partition set, and the OUTPARTN option is omitted, data is sent to the partition named by the PARTN operand of the DFHMSD or DFHMDI map definitions. If maps are not used, or if there is no PARTN operand, the output is sent to the first partition in the partition set.
specifies that the output data is not to be sent immediately to the terminal, but is to be placed in temporary storage and displayed in response to paging commands entered by the terminal operator.

If PAGING is specified with a REQID prefix that is used for temporary storage queues that are defined as recoverable, CICS provides message recovery for logical messages if the task has reached a syncpoint.

specifies that a print operation is to be started at a 3270 printer or at a 3275 with the printer adapter feature, or that data on an LUTYPE2 (3274/76 or 3790) is to be printed on a printer allocated by the controller. If this option is omitted, the data is sent to the printer buffer but is not printed.

When using the PRINT option, refer to DFHMDI options, CTRL for a description of the option priority.

specifies a 2-character prefix to be used as part of a temporary storage identifier for CICS message recovery. Only one prefix can be specified for each logical message. The default prefix is **.

BMS message recovery is provided for a logical message only if the PAGING option is specified in the BMS SEND commands and if the syncpoint has been reached.

specifies the pointer to be set to the address of the input or output data.

The SET option specifies that completed pages are to be returned to the application program. The pointer is set to the address of a list of completed pages.

The application program regains control either immediately following the SEND MAP command (if the current page is not yet completed), or at the label specified in a HANDLE CONDITION RETPAGE command, if the page has been completed.

If TIOAPFX=YES is specified in the map definition, the pointer returned contains the address of the TIOA prefix. The user data starts at offset X'0C' from the start of the TIOA prefix.

specifies that the output data is to be sent to the terminal that originated the transaction.
specifies that control should not be returned to the application program until the output operation has been completed.

If WAIT is not specified, control returns to the application program when the output operation has started. A subsequent input or output command (terminal control, BMS, or batch data interchange) causes the application program to wait until the previous command has been completed.


Some of the following conditions may occur in combination. If more than one occurs, only the first is passed to the application program.

occurs when an attempt is made to execute a SEND MAP command after a SIGNAL data-flow control command with a request change direction (RCD) code has been received from an LUTYPE4 logical unit.

Default action: terminate the task abnormally.

occurs if the prefix specified in the REQID option is different from that established by a previous REQID option, or by default for this logical message -REQID (**).

Default action: terminate the task abnormally.

occurs if the specified LDC mnemonic is not included in the LDC list for the logical unit.

Default action: terminate the task abnormally.

occurs if the specified map is too wide for the terminal, or if a HANDLE CONDITION OVERFLOW command is active and the specified map is too long for the terminal.

Default action: terminate the task abnormally.

occurs if the specified partition is not defined in the partition set associated with the application program.

Default action: terminate the task abnormally.

RESP2 values:
Command not allowed for a distributed program link server program.
also occurs (RESP2 not set) in any of the following situations:
  • Text data is output to the same partition or LDC as mapped data while a BMS logical message is active. If neither partitions nor LDCs are in use, text data is output to the same logical message as mapped data.
  • A separate SEND MAP command with the ACCUM option is issued to the terminal that originated the transaction while a routed logical message is being built.
  • A SEND MAP command is issued for a map without field specifications by specifying the FROM option without the DATAONLY option.
  • During overflow processing, data is sent to a different LDC from the LDC that caused page overflow.
  • Partitions are in use, the OUTPARTN option has not been coded on the SEND MAP command, but the PARTN operand has been coded in the mapset definition. If the condition arises, it suggests that different versions of the mapset have different PARTN values, and that the suffix deduced for the partition is not the same as the suffix of the loaded mapset.
  • A SEND MAP command with the DATAONLY option is issued with a data area, supplied by the user, that resides above the 16MB line. But the length of this data area is not longer than the TIOA prefix.

Default action: terminate the task abnormally.

occurs if the mapped data does not fit on the current page. This condition is only raised if a HANDLE CONDITION OVERFLOW command is active.

Default action: ignore the condition.

occurs if the SET option is specified and a completed page is ready for return to the application program.

Default action: return control to the application program at the point immediately following the BMS SEND MAP command.

occurs if there is an irrecoverable temporary storage input/output error.

Default action: terminate the task abnormally.

occurs if a SEND MAP command is interrupted by the terminal operator pressing the ATTN key. It applies only to the 2741 Communication Terminal, and only if write break is supported for CICS.

Default action: ignore the condition.

dfhp4_sendmap.html | Timestamp icon Last updated: Thursday, 27 June 2019