
This function establishes a connection to a local Gateway daemon statistics protocol handler, using the specified port number, a pointer to a gateway token, and the address of a char pointer for the statistics C API protocol version.


This function is called with an integer for the target port number, a pointer to a gateway token, and the address of a char pointer to hold a string describing the version of the statistics C API protocol provided by the target gateway daemon.
The function creates a connection to a local Gateway daemon statistics protocol handler using the specified port number.

When the call returns, the gateway token represents the connection to the specified Gateway daemon. The token is required to interact with that Gateway daemon in subsequent C API calls.

The char pointer points to a null-terminated character string. The C API owns the storage for the protocol version character array, and the C API program does not free this storage.

The user application must check that the version of the statistics C API protocol provided by the target Gateway daemon is at least the same as major version number in the compile-time string CTG_STAT_PROTOCOL_VER. This compile-time string is defined in ctgstdat.h, described in the C language header files section. The major version number is the first digit in the compile-time string.