Deploying the CICS resource adapter for Java

The resource adapter is provided as a standard module, ready for deployment into a Java™ Platform, Enterprise Edition (JEE) application server. The resource adapter can be packaged in a JEE application along with other components such as Enterprise JavaBeans, and can be used to create larger, more complex systems.

CICS® Transaction Gateway includes the following resource adapter which is located in the <install_path>/deployable directory:
  • ECI resource adapter (cicseci.rar)

The resource adapters can be deployed in 31-bit and 64-bit run time environments. For more information on supported environments, see Java EE application servers.

For information on how to deploy the CICS resource adapter in a managed environment, see your JEE application server documentation.

For more information about nonmanaged environments, see Using the resource adapters in a nonmanaged environment.

If your JEE application server requires Java 2 Security permissions, or if Java 2 Security permissions are enabled on your JEE application server, consider setting the security permissions that allow CICS Transaction Gateway to access your keystores. For more information, see Using a Java 2 Security Manager.

CICS Transaction Gateway Desktop Edition: Support is not provided for the JCA resource adapter.

CICS JEE Inbound Resource Adapter supports incoming requests from TXSeries only. CICS TS is not supported with this resource adapter.