Getting started with z/VM®

The IBM® Cloud Infrastructure Center is an advanced infrastructure management offering, including on-premises cloud deployments of IBM z/VM-based and KVM based Linux virtual machines on the IBM Z® and IBM LinuxONE platforms.

This quick guide is to help to navigate through the IBM Cloud Infrastructure Center documentation for z/VM. Some sections also include content for KVM, skip these sections. Read this guide and keep the order of the topics to have a successful installation.

1. Architecture of z/VM

To understand the architecture of z/VM, read the overview page of the IBM Cloud Infrastructure Center, first. Here, you find an explanation and an architecture overview for z/VM: Architecture overview of z/VM

2. Prerequisites

For a z/VM system to be managed by the IBM Cloud Infrastructure Center, there are some configurations and resources that need to be prepared before you install the IBM Cloud Infrastructure Center.

The following prerequisites can be found in the link beneath:

The hardware and software requirements can be found here: Hardware and requirements

3. Installation planning

For the planning, you need to follow these sections:

Optional sections:

Go to the section 'Setting up the environment': Setting up the environment. After the environment has been setup, go to the Setup the management and compute node section. Then verify the settings for the network: Verify the network settings

4. Installation

Now, all is ready to for the installation. Refer to this section in order to do the installation of the IBM Cloud Infrastructure Center: Installation of the IBM Cloud Infrastructure Center on z/VM

For an upgrade of the IBM Cloud Infrastructure Center 1.1.2 or 1.1.3 go to this page: Upgrade of the IBM Cloud Infrastructure Center 1.1.2 or 1.1.3.

For an uninstallation, visit this link: Uninstallation

The security configuration can be found here: Security configuration

5. Daily operation

Here, you can find the Administrator tasks: Administrator tasks.

Here, you can find the user tasks: User tasks

6. Integration into other systems

The integration with upper layers via the OpenStack API, is documented here: Integration into other systems

7. Troubleshooting and FAQ (frequent asked questions)

Refer to the troubleshooting section for any problems: Troubleshooting Refer to the FAQ for any frequent asked questions: FAQ