Creating virtual machines

To create a virtual machine, follow these steps:

  1. Log in to the appropriate project and open the Image page.

  2. Select the image you want to deploy from and click Deploy.

  3. On the Images Deploy page that you are redirected to, provide input according to the requirement, including Virtual machine name, Deploy target, compute template, Network, Activation Input and so on.

  4. Click Deploy to deploy a new virtual machine.


  • Refer to customized profile for more information about how to specify a customized profile.

  • When you select the networks for this deployment by clicking the Add Network button, behaviors are different for the z/VM hypervisor and the KVM hypervisor. For z/VM, on the Add Network page that pops up, you select a network and then specify a target subnet under this network. For KVM, on the Add Network page that pops up, you can only select the network level, no subnet choices as there is only one subnet in one network.

  • The required disk size for provisioning a Virtual Machine needs to be equal or larger than the disk size where the image was originally created.

You can also use a Deploy Template to create a virtual machine and the steps are:

  1. Log in to the appropriate project and open the Deploy Templates page.

  2. Select the deploy template that you want to use and click Deploy.

  3. On the page that opens, specify the requested details.

  4. Click Deploy to deploy a virtual machine.

For more information about the Deploy Template, refer to Creating deployment templates.