Installing IBM® Cloud Infrastructure Center

This topic describes how to install IBM Cloud Infrastructure Center on a z/VM® management node.

Before you install IBM Cloud Infrastructure Center, refer to Hardware and Software Requirements for z/VM System to ensure that all of the hardware and software prerequisites are met, and refer to Setting up the Environment for z/VM to verify that the current environment is configured correctly. This ensures that the management node is correctly prepared, which includes running a supported version of Red Hat Enterprise Linux® (RHEL).

Installing other software

It is recommended that IBM Cloud Infrastructure Center is the only server application running on the management node.

Installing IBM Cloud Infrastructure Center

  1. Configure the dnf repositories for the IBM Cloud Infrastructure Center installation.

    a. Configure the dnf repository by selecting and adding BaseOS, AppStream, and CodeReady Linux Builder (CRB) repositories. For more information, see Repositories.

    b. Verify that dnf has correctly added the BaseOS, AppStream, and CodeReady Linux Builder (CRB) repositories.

    dnf repolist
  2. Configure firewall settings.

    The IBM Cloud Infrastructure Center requires certain ports in order to run, as described in Ports Used by IBM Cloud Infrastructure Center. If the intended management node is currently running a firewall that blocks any of the ports required by the IBM Cloud Infrastructure Center, you need to update that firewall configuration before installing the IBM® Cloud Infrastructure Center.

    As stated in Ports Used by IBM Cloud Infrastructure Center, appropriate firewall configuration can be complex and specific to each unique environment. The recommended approach is to manually configure the firewall; however, automated firewall configuration is available as an option during IBM Cloud Infrastructure Center installation. If the -c option is added to ./install or 1 is entered in response to the prompt about automatic firewall configuration during an interactive installation, the installer will automatically configure the firewall.

  3. Configure web proxy settings.

    If a web proxy configuration is needed on your IBM Cloud Infrastructure Center management node, you need to consider its configuration before you install IBM Cloud Infrastructure Center. IBM Cloud Infrastructure Center relies on internal web-based communication. An improper web proxy configuration might redirect requests that are meant for IBM Cloud Infrastructure Center to the web proxy.

    Before installing IBM Cloud Infrastructure Center, ensure that the configuration has an exception for traffic that is meant for the IBM Cloud Infrastructure Center system. For example:

    export no_proxy="localhost,,"

    In the above example, is the domain name of the management node. The IP address of the management node can be used in place of the hostname if the hostname of the management node is not defined in /etc/hosts on both the management node and DNS server(s). The hostname and IP address of the management node cannot be reconfigured after installation without breaking IBM Cloud Infrastructure Center.

  4. Set up the configuration file.

    Before you install IBM Cloud Infrastructure Center, make a directory named icic in /etc and create a file within it named The content of /etc/icic/ should contain configurations that are customized to your deployment environments. Below is a sample of the configuration properties. Specify only one value for each configuration property:

    [icic configs]

    Note: The installation fails if the file cannot be found or any of the required configuration properties are missing.

    physical_network: This optional property specifies the name of the network provider to be used for the network connectivity of virtual machines. If the value for physical_network is not set, then the default value icicvlan1 is used. Because this parameter is for logical use only, you can allocate any meaningful name. If you don't require a customized network name, it is recommended that you use the default value of icicvlan1. This network is appropriately mapped to the vswitch on each compute node after a host is added as stated in Adding hosts.

    compute_instance_template: The virtual machine name template must be 8 characters or less. For example, when the value is specified as ins%05x, the virtual machine user IDs are generated with ins as the prefix and followed with the index: ins00000, ins00001 to insfffff, which means the total number of unique user IDs is 1048576. Carefully determine the compute_instance_template value to ensure sufficient virtual machines capacity because you cannot change compute_instance_template after the management node installation completes. Specification of this property is required.

    compute_user_profile: This required property specifies the name of the z/VM® directory PROFILE that is included in the USER directory statements of deployed virtual machines. See the Creating a profile on the managed z/VM section for more information and a sample.

    default_admin_userid: The z/VM® user ID with the authority to log on to deployed virtual machines with its own password. This value is used in the LOGONBY statement in the USER directory statements for the deployed virtual machines, as described in z/VM LOGONBY Directory Statement. This property is required if you don't use an External Security Manager (ESM). If you use an ESM, this property is optional.

  5. Unpack the installer components.

    Note: Before unpacking, ensure that an installer that matches the agreed upon licensing model is obtained. As of Version, IBM Cloud Infrastructure Center is offered with either Per Virtual Server or Per Engine licensing.

    This process varies depending on the source of the installer.

    a. If you install from DVD, mount the ISO.

    mkdir -p /media/iso
    mount -t iso9660 -o ro /dev/sr0 /media/iso

    Where /dev/sr0 represents the disc drive device, and /media/iso represents the folder onto which the DVD is mounted, but this can vary by system.

    You can find the installation files inside the directory that the ISO has been mounted to.

    b. If you are installing from a downloaded package, you must extract the installation files.

    For Per Virtual Machine licensing:

    tar -xzvf CD828023.tar

    For Per Engine lincensing:

    tar -xzvf CD8281501.tar

    After you mount the ISO or extract the installation package, there are four files:

    • icic-install-s390x-rhel-

    • icic-install-

    • icicpublickey

    • readme.txt

  6. (Optional) Verify the binary file according to the openssl command described in readme.txt.

  7. Run the following command to extract the icic-install-s390x-rhel- file.

    tar -xzvf icic-install-s390x-rhel-
  8. Change the working directory to: extract_location/icic-, where extract_location is the directory the compressed binary file was extracted to in the step above.

  9. Complete the final steps before you start the installation.

    Before installation:

    a. By default, IBM Cloud Infrastructure Center uses eth0 for its network interface. As described in Hardware and Software Requirements for z/VM System, IBM Cloud Infrastructure Center on a z/VM management node requires a dedicated network interface for communicating with compute nodes. To use a different network interface than the default, set the environment variable HOST_INTERFACE before running the installation script. For example: export HOST_INTERFACE=eth1.

    b. IBM Cloud Infrastructure Center requires the en_US.UTF-8 locale. Make sure the locale command can be executed without any warning and the locale environment variables are set to en_US.UTF-8, as follows:

    # locale

    Default values of LC_CTYPE=en_US.UTF-8 and LANG=en_US.UTF-8 will be used if these variables are not set prior to installation.

    c. If IBM Cloud Infrastructure Center is installed via SSH to a management node with constrained resources or a slow network environment, the SSH connection can timeout during installation. If this is a concern in the current environment, one solution is to adjust the SSH configuration of the client machine (the machine that will be used to SSH to the management node). For example, using a macOS or Linux client, add the following line to ~/.ssh/config to have it send a packet every 120 seconds to keep the connection alive:

    ServerAliveInterval 120

    Note: Changing the management node's hostname after installation of IBM Cloud Infrastructure Center is complete can cause service unavailability or operation timeouts, so make sure the hostname is set prior to installation.

  10. Install IBM Cloud Infrastructure Center in the management node.

    The installer verifies that the environment meets all of the prerequisites during execution. If any errors are reported during the verification steps of installation, correct the reported issues and try the installation again.

    For the list of all available installation options, run ./install -h.

    As the root user, start the installation by using one of the following methods:

    • To start the installation:

    • To start a silent installation:

      ./install -s -z

      Note: Add the -c option to the silent installation command to opt for having the installer configure firewall settings automatically. In this case, the installer disables and stops firewalld first, then enables, configures, and starts iptables. Add the -e option to indicate that your systems use an ESM.

    The installation log file can be found in /opt/ibm/icic/log.

    If the installation fails, refer to Troubleshooting.

  11. After installation, run the following command to check the status of the services:

    /opt/ibm/icic/bin/icic-services status
  12. Refer to UI login for more information about logging onto the graphical user interface of IBM Cloud Infrastructure Center.